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The Effect of Teaching EFL through Poems Exposure on Fifth Graders’ Reading Habit and Reading Achievement
Asmaruddin, Sheilla
Article from Proceeding
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57th TEFLIN International Conference: Revitaziling professionalis in ELT as a response to the globlazed world, Bandung, 1-3 November 2010
Teacher Professionalism
reading habit
reading achievement
Sheila Asmaruddin.pdf
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The objective of this study was to find out whether teaching EFL through poems exposure can increase fifth graders’ reading habit and reading achievement of Primary School in Palembang. This study was a quasi-experimental design method. The population of this study was the fifth year students of Primary School in Palembang in the academic year 2008. The population was a group of 63 students from two classes. The sample was 28 students taken from the population based on their result of Reading Comprehension Test and age (ten year olds). There are two groups, that is the experimental group and the control group. Each group consisted of fourteen students. There were eight boys and six girls. The researcher taught the experimental group for approximately three months. Their English subject teacher taught the control group in their regular class using the conventional way. The groups attended a reading comprehension test and reading habit questionnaire before and after the research. By teaching EFL through poems exposure, the students’ reading habit and reading achievement developed.
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