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ArtikelPerbandingan Pemberian Propofol 1 Mg/kgBB dengan Midazolam 0,05 Mg/kgBB pada Akhir Pembedahan terhadap Agitasi Saat Pemulihan dari Anestesi Umum dengan Sevofluran pada Anak Usia 2 - 10 Tahun  
Oleh: Silalahi, VanessyTheodora ; Fitriani RW, Calcarina ; Suryono S, Bambang
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional
Dalam koleksi: Berkala Kesehatan Klinik vol. 15 no. 02 (Dec. 2009), page 87-97 .
Topik: emergence agitation-sevoflurane-propofol and midazolam
  • Perpustakaan FK
    • Nomor Panggil: B25.K.01
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Isi artikelBackground: Sevoflurane is an ideal anesthetic agent commonly used in pediatric surgery because of smooth induction with its pleasant odor and minimal airway reaction, as well as rapid emergence because of its low solubility in blood. Beside this benefit, the previous study revealed several incidence of emergence agitation because of its rapid emergence from anesthesia. Propofol's emergence time is longer than sevoflurane thus propofol before ending the surgery would lengthen emergence time. Objectives: Objective of this study is to investigate effect of 1 mg/kg body weight of propofol received at the end of surgery toward agitation from sevoflurane anesthesia in children of age 2 - 10 years old. Methods :This is a randomized single blind controlled study. Subjects are 80 male and female pediatric patients in the ages 2-10 years old, ASA physical status I-II undergoing elective surgery except head and neck with general anesthesia in the Central Operating Theater (COT) RS Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta and affiliated hospital. Subjects were divided into 2 groups; each group consists of 40 patients. Group I (P) received propofol 1 mg/kg body weight intra venous and group II (M) received midazolam 0.05 mg/kg body weight intra venous at the end of surgery. The degree of agitation was recorded until 60 minutes in the recovery room. Blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen saturation were measured. Result and Conclusion: The research shows that the incidence of agitation in the propofol group is significantly lower than in the midazolam group (7.9% vs. 61.1%) (p < 0.05). Meanwhile age and duration of operation can be the risk factors for insidence of agitation (p < 0.05). Only one episode of hypotension occurred in the midazolam group but not statistically significant (p > 0.05).1 It could be concluded that incidence of agitation in propofol group (1 mg/kg body weight) is lower than in midazolam group (0.05 mg/kg body weight) that was given at the end surgery in patients of age 2-10 years undergoing general anesthesia using sevoflurane anesthesia.
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