The credit sales in a company will generate accounts receivable and there is a risk for the company, such as bad debt and uncollectible receivables. To avoid these problems, it is necessary to evaluate internal controls, especially on accounts receivable so that billing activities and collections are well managed and on time. Management Audit is one of tools to evaluate the company's internal controls necessary for management to assess whether the company's activities are operating efficiently and effectively. Efficient is related to the use of minimum resources to produce optimal goods and services, while effectively is related to the achievement of results in line with the objectives as set out previously. PT Gratia Jelajah Semesta (The Company), a service company is the object of this research. Management audit was conducted on the observation, in-depth interviews with management, internal control testing with the test of compliance, and ratio analysis of the accounts receivable. The results of the management audit of accounts receivable shown that the Company accounts receivables did not manage its effectively and efficiently and there are some weaknesses that should be addressed to. Therefore, the author gives advices to the Company to improve the effectiveness and efficiency especially on accounts receivable. |