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BukuExperiential marketing edukasi pasar untuk menciptakan brand equity (pada produk merek SHARP) (di dalam Proceeding 5th National Conference Faculty of Business NCFB-V Surabaya, 25 April 2012)
Author: Prabawanti, Benedicta Evienia
Topik: Experiential Marketing; Promotion; Brand Equity; JABFUNG-BEP-2015-13
Bahasa: (ID )    
Penerbit: Fakultas Bisnis Unika Widya Mandala Surabaya     Tempat Terbit: Surabaya    Tahun Terbit: 2012    
Jenis: Papers/Makalah - pada seminar nasional
Experience is one of the strategies that may be made to create consumers’ perception. Experiential marketing that was sparked by Bernd H. Schmitt is an effort in packaging product which gives emotional experience to consumers when they consume their needed products so it can make the impressed long-lasting memory. Experiential marketing gives customers an opportunity to engage and interact with brand, products, and service. The brand experience increases the value of product in customer mind. The term “experiential marketing” refers to actual customer experience with the brand, product, and service that drive sales and increase brand equity. SHARP is one of the largest electronics companies in Indonesia who are constantly using experiential marketing to promote. SHARP always have themes and activities that create the experience for its customer. SHARP create brand equity by educating the
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