Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 09:21 WIB
ArtikelSarcopenic Obesity: Prevalence and Association With Metabolic Syndrome in the Korean Longitudinal Study on Health and Aging (KLoSHA)  
Oleh: Soo, Lim ; Jung Hee, Kim ; Ji Won, Yoon
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Diabetes Care vol. 33 no. 07 (Jul. 2010), page 1652-1654 .
Topik: Sarcopenic Obesity
  • Perpustakaan FK
    • Nomor Panggil: D05.K.2010.03
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Isi artikel OBJECTIVE We investigated the prevalence of sarcopenic obesity (SO) and its relationship with metabolic syndrome in a community-based elderly cohort in Korea. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS In this study, 287 men and 278 women aged 65 or older were recruited. Sarcopenia was defined as the appendicular skeletal muscle mass (ASM) divided by height squared (Ht2) (kg/m2) or by weight (Wt) (%) of <1 SD below the sex-specific mean for young adults. Obesity was defined as a visceral fat area =100 cm2. RESULTS The prevalence of SO was 16.7% in men and 5.7% in women with sarcopenia defined by ASM/Ht2; however, it was 35.1% in men and 48.1% in women by ASM/Wt. Using ASM/Wt, the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance of subjects with SO was higher and they were at higher risk for metabolic syndrome (odds ratio [OR] 8.28 [95% CI 4.45–15.40]) than the obese (5.51 [2.81–10.80]) or sarcopenic group (2.64 [1.08–6.44]). CONCLUSIONS SO defined by ASM/Wt was more closely associated with metabolic syndrome than either sarcopenia or obesity alone.
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