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BukuHubungan antara Jangkauan Gerak Dorsifleksi Sendi Talokruralis dengan Kualitas Teknik Pendaratan pada Atlet Mahasiswi FKUAJ
Author: CLEMENT, LYON ; BERTHA SOEGIARTO (Advisor); Haryono, Ignatio Rika (Examiner)
Topik: INJURY PREVENTION; range of motion; dorsiflexion; ankle; jump-landing; LESS; ACL jangkauan gerak; dorsifleksi; talokruralis; pendaratan; LESS; ACL
Bahasa: (ID )    
Penerbit: Fakultas Kedokteran Unika Atma Jaya     Tempat Terbit: Jakarta Utara    Tahun Terbit: 2015    
Jenis: Theses - Karya Tulis Ilmiah Kedokteran (KTI-FK)
Fulltext: KTI Lyon.pdf (1.62MB; 23 download)
  • Perpustakaan FK
    • Nomor Panggil: KTI-FK-803
    • Non-tandon: tidak ada
    • Tandon: 1
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Background. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of the most commonly
encountered injury in athletes. Poor landing technique is associated with higher
ACL injury risk. Previous studies have proven that ankle dorsiflexion range of
motion (ADROM) is associated with landing knee flexion and knee valgus, which is
associated with the landing technique, especially encountered in women.
Objectives. The aim of this study is to determine the association between ankle
dorsiflexion range of motion and jump-landing quality.
Methods. Respondents were medical students from a private university in Jakarta.
Forty female athletes from college’s soccer, basketball, volleyball, and badminton
associations were recruited with the purposive sampling technique. Ankle
dorsiflexion range of motion was measured with weight-bearing lunge method.
Jump-landing quality was scored with Landing Error Scoring System (LESS). Data
was analyzed using one-way ANOVA and further analyzed with Post-hoc LSD
Results. One-way ANOVA analysis showed p value < 0,05 in association between
ankle dorsiflexion range of motion with jump-landing quality. Post-hoc LSD
analysis showed p value < 0,05 in LESS interclass correlation between excellent –
moderate class, excellent – poor class, and good – poor class.
Conclusions. There is a strong association between ankle dorsiflexion range of
motion and jump-landing quality. Ankle dorsiflexion range of motion is direcly
proportional to jump-landing quality.
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