Era development make firm is more strict compete . But the obstacles in the company compete is waste. PCE of PT DUTARAMA INDAH SETIA is 28,4%, that mean the system is not lean. Cause system not lean is waste, waste in the company are difference calculation reject and difference of percent production. The results of actual differences reject by calculation and theoretical is 44,9 kg or 0,74% of working time. The second of waste is different of precent production between a machine of large with small. Based on Observation time used by large machine to cut plastic is 50% of working time. While time used by an small machine is 87,24% of working time. The first solution make standardization. Type of standaridizaiton are standard packing z standard Weighting and standars blowing. The second solution is add operator, the operator of large machine in addition to cutting plastic used is to folding plastic is 14,83% of working time. This time, it can be used to cut plastic, because that the solution is add operator. The addition of operators will be better or not can be proved by using the simulation .The simulation was done with the help of flexsim software .The simulation run for 24 hours and 1 bach production . The State Proposal make production up until 73,1 kg from the initial state Production time proposed method is faster2,68 day from the initial state. Distinction suggestions and the state of now on the running 24 hours is 73,1 kg. While the time difference with the state of the proposal now on the running 1 bach is 2.68 day or .Gross profit due to the addition of packking operator is Rp .27.714.130 . Profits were obtained by adding operators shebaniah two operators .The total net income the company is Rp . 23.214.130,92. |