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JurnalBrain and Language (Full Text) vol. 23 no. 1 (1984)
Topik: Linguistics; Psycholinguistics; Brain and Language
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0093-934X    Year:: 1984    
Penerbit: Brain and Language
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Brain and Language (Full Text)]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Cerebral Laterality in Deaf and Hearing Children, halaman 1-12
  2. Analysis of Word Comprehension in a Case of Pure Word Deafness, halaman 13-25
  3. Constraints on the Processing of Indirect Speech Acts: Evidence from Aphasiology, halaman 26-33
  4. The Suppression of Crying in the Human Neonate: Response to Human Vocal Tract Stimuli, halaman 34-42
  5. Spontaneous Translation and Language Mixing in a Polyglot Aphasic, halaman 43-63
  6. Some Neurolinguistic Implications of Prearticulatoty Editing in Production, halaman 64-73
  7. Laterality Differences in Speaker and Consonant Identification in Dichotic Listening’, halaman 74-85
  8. Left-Hemisphere Language Lateralization in Bilinguals: Use of the Concurrent Activities Paradigm, halaman 86-96
  9. The Nature of the Phonological Disorder in Conduction Aphasia, halaman 97-115
  10. Homotopic Callosal Inhibition, halaman 116-125
  11. Age and Type of Crossed Aphasia in Dextrals Due to Stroke, halaman 126-133
  12. Neuropsychological Analysis of a Case of Crossed Dysphasia Verified at Postmortem, halaman 134-147
  13. intrusions and Perseverations, halaman 148-158
  14. NOTES AND DISCUSSION Right-Hemispheric Language Evidence from Cortical Stimulation, halaman 156-166
  15. What Can the Spectral Characteristics of Stop Consonants Tell Us about the Realization of Place of Articulation in Broca’s Aphasia? A Reply to Shinn and Blumstein , halaman 167-170
  16. The Spectral Characteristics of Stop Consonants Provide Important Clues to the Nature of Place of Articulation Production in Broca’s Aphasia: A Reply to W. Ziegler, halaman 171-174

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