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JurnalBrain and Language (Full Text) vol. 74 no. 3 (2000)
Topik: Linguistics; Psycholinguistics; Brain and Language
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0093-934X    Year:: 2000    Edisi: Softcopy    
Penerbit: Brain and Language
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Brain and Language (Full Text)]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Poster Session 1: Phonological, Suprasegmental, and Articulatory Production The Influence of Phonological Context on Aphasic Sound Errors: A Case Study, halaman 315-364
  2. Platform Session 1: Neurobiological Effects of Treatment Effects of Intralaminar Thalamic Stimulation on Linguistic Processing, halaman 365-371
  3. Platform Session 2: Psycholinguistic Mechanisms of Reading, Writing, and Spelling Category-Specific Sparing of Reading and Spelling , halaman 373-381
  4. Symposium 2: Neural Correlates of Language Recovery in Aphasia, halaman 383-394
  5. Poster Session 2: Aphasia Recovery Long-Term Recovery of Naming and Word Finding in Narrative Discourse in Aphasia, halaman 395-431
  6. Platform Session 3: Treatment of Naming Anomia Treatment Modifies Naming-Related Cortical Activation: Evidence from an MEG Study, halaman 433-444
  7. Poster Session 3: Priming Automatic Activation of Cross-Language Word Associates in the Presence of a Production Deficit in a Bilingual Aphasic Patient, halaman 455-501
  8. Platform Session 4: Cross-Linguistic Syntactic Comprehension and Production Verb Finiteness in Agrammatism: A Cross-linguistic Study, halaman 503-514
  9. Poster Session 4: Cross-Linguistic Syntactic Comprehension and Production Grammaticality Judgments by Agrammatic Aphasics: Data from Brazilian-Portuguese, halaman 515-551
  10. Platform Session 5: ‘‘Tan’’ Revisited and Agrammatic Sentence Production Broca’s Historic Cases Revisited, halaman 553-563
  11. Symposium 1: Symposium In Honor of Vicki Fromkin , halaman 313

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