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JurnalBrain and Language (Full Text) vol. 87 no. 2 (2003)
Topik: Linguistics; Psycholinguistics; Brain and Language
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0093-934X    Year:: 2003    Edisi: Softcopy    
Penerbit: Brain and Language
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Brain and Language (Full Text)]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Processing of metaphoric and non-metaphoric alternative meanings of words after right- and left-hemispheric lesion, halaman 217-226
  2. Lateralization effects during semantic and rhyme judgement tasks in deaf and hearing subjects, halaman 227-240
  3. Phonological memory and vocabulary learning in children with focal lesions, halaman 241-252
  4. Lateralized effects of subthalamic nucleus stimulation on different aspects of speech in Parkinson's disease, halaman 253-258
  5. Impaired sensitivity to dynamic stimuli in poor readers of a regular orthography, halaman 259-266
  6. Sensitivity to gender, person, and tense inflection by persons with Alzheimer's disease, halaman 267-277
  7. Sensitivity to prosodic structure in left-and right-hemisphere-damaged individuals, halaman 278-289
  8. Accessing word meaning in two languages: An event-related brain potential study of beginning bilinguals, halaman 290-304
  9. Ease of predication does not account for imageability effects in performance: A reply to Jones (2002), halaman 305-310
  10. Verb reading in developmental language impairment, halaman 311-322
  11. Does morphology make the difference? Agrammatic sentence comprehension in German, halaman 323-342

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