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JurnalBrain and Language (Full Text) vol. 87 no. 1 (2003)
Topik: Linguistics; Psycholinguistics; Brain and Language
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0093-934X    Year:: 2003    Edisi: Softcopy    
Penerbit: Brain and Language
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Brain and Language (Full Text)]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Language deficits and basal ganglia lesions: The past tense, halaman 7-8
  2. Regular and irregular verb inflections in agrammatism: Dissociation or association?, halaman 9-10
  3. The crucial role of tense for verb production, halaman 11-12
  4. On lexical organization in the human brain: Evidence from intracarotid sodium amytal injection, halaman 13-14
  5. An ERP investigation of age-of-acquisition effects in spoken word recognition, halaman 15-16
  6. The comprehension of pronouns and reflexives in agrammatic and Wernicke’s aphasia, halaman 17-18
  7. Adverb placement as evidence for clause structure and parameterization of verb movement in a bilingual Greek–English speaking patient with Broca’s aphasia, halaman 19-20
  8. Pronominal reference and agrammatic comprehension, halaman 21-22
  9. Beyond canonical form: Verb-frame frequency affects verb production and comprehension, halaman 23-24
  10. Concreteness effects in lexical tasks: Access to a mental image?, halaman 25-26
  11. Syntactic deficits in aphasia: Was Wernicke right after all?, halaman 27-28
  12. The relationship between naming performance and underlying category structure in Alzheimer’s disease, halaman 29-30
  13. Effects of relatedness, repetition and rate: Further investigations of context-sensitive naming, halaman 31-32
  14. The relative effects of imageability and age-of-acquisition on aphasic misnaming, halaman 33-34
  15. Effects of metrical and segmental cues on word retrieval in aphasia, halaman 36-37
  16. Deep dysphasia in Turkish, halaman 38-39
  17. Structural constraints in aphasic speech errors, halaman 40-41
  18. Intrasubject variability of cognitive and word retrieval performance across six sessions, halaman 42-43
  19. Changes in error patterns pre- and post-treatment in view of the interactive activation model of lexical retrieval, halaman 44-45
  20. A single case study of pathological mixing in a polyglot aphasic, halaman 46-47
  21. Memory disturbances and comprehension of verbal suffixes: A case study of aphasia in Indonesian, halaman 48-49
  22. On the morphological basis of syntactic deficits, halaman 50-51
  23. The trouble with nouns and verbs, halaman 53-54
  24. Independent access to the meaning and the syntax of morphologically complex words: Evidence from a case of acquired dyslexia, halaman 55-56
  25. Grammatical gender processing in aphasic patients, halaman 57-58
  26. Wh-question production in German Broca’s aphasia, halaman 59-60
  27. Complex sentences in Dutch Broca’s aphasia: Another case of dissociated functional projections?, halaman 61-62
  28. Verbs with alternating transitivity in Parkinson’s disease: Evidence from production and comprehension tasks, halaman 63-64
  29. Economy principles of grammar in agrammatic aphasia, halaman 65-66
  30. Grammaticality judgment under non-optimal processing conditions: Deficits induced in normal participants resemble those observed in aphasic patients, halaman 67-68
  31. On the nature of direct speech in narratives of African Americans with aphasia, halaman 69-70
  32. Prosodic and lexical semantic influences on syntactic parsing in subjects with right and left hemisphere damage, halaman 71-72
  33. The role of syntactic processing in idiom comprehension, halaman 73-74
  34. Syntactically reduced speech in Italian Broca’s aphasics and normal speakers, halaman 75-76
  35. Task-demand modulation of activation in Broca's area, halaman 77-78
  36. Lexical, syntactic, and semantic constraints on auxiliary selection in French: A first dissociation, halaman 79-80
  37. The organisation of semantic memory: Evidence from semantic refractory access dysphasia, halaman 81-82
  38. The conceptual structure of cabbages and things, halaman 84-85
  39. Knowledge of "sensory-quality" categories in two herpes encephalitic patients, halaman 86-87
  40. Semantic processing and category-specificity: A new methodological approach, halaman 88-89
  41. Unitary versus multiple semantics: Evidence from neuroimaging studies, halaman 90-91
  42. Measuring the activation and causal role of motor affordances in object identification, halaman 92-93
  43. Residual knowledge of objects in semantic dementia: Semantic or ‘‘semantic-like’’?, halaman 94-95
  44. Summation of semantic priming effects in Parkinson’s Disease and healthy individuals, halaman 96-97
  45. Temporal constraints on summation of activation in Broca’s aphasia: Evidence from a triplet-priming task, halaman 99-100
  46. The effect of backward masking on direct and indirect semantic priming in patients with Parkinson’s disease and in healthy individuals, halaman 101-102
  47. Dopamine enhances semantic salience: Semantic priming evidence from healthy individuals, halaman 103-104
  48. Longitudinal pattern of knowledge loss for plants and manufactured objects in a patient with Alzheimer's disease, halaman 105-106
  49. Semantic processing of words in right- and left-handers, halaman 107-108
  50. Investigating semantic deficits with nouns and verbs in Alzheimer’s disease, halaman 109-111
  51. Pattern of letter substitutions in a case of acquired dysgraphia: The influence of visuospatial and stroke-feature similarity, halaman 112-113
  52. Stress assignment in German patients with surface dyslexia, halaman 114-115
  53. Evidence for separate tonal and segmental tiers in the lexical specification of words: A production and perception study of a brain-damaged Chinese speaker, halaman 116-117
  54. Position-specific or position-independent grapheme representations in the spelling system: Evidence from dysgraphia, halaman 118-119
  55. The orthographic representation of consonant–vowel status: Evidence from two cases of acquired dysgraphia, halaman 120-121
  56. Acquired childhood aphasia: British contributions to the 19th century debate, halaman 122-123
  57. Recovery of word form processing after left inferior parietal lesion: A single case fMRI study, halaman 124-125
  58. Recovery from anomia: Effects of specific rehabilitation on brain reorganisation: An er-fMRI study in 2 anomic patients, halaman 126-127
  59. Investigating comprehension impairments in users of British Sign Language following CVA, halaman 129-130
  60. Numbers and calculation in crossed aphasia, halaman 131-132
  61. The neural basis of the prosody–syntax interplay: The role of the corpus callosum, halaman 133-134
  62. Differentiation of syntactic processes in the left and right anterior temporal lobe: Event-related brain potential evidence from lesion patients, halaman 135-136
  63. Visual processing of lexical and sublexical units in dyslexia, halaman 137-138
  64. Effect of training phoneme to grapheme conversion in improving written and oral deficits, halaman 139-141
  65. Increasing versus vanishing cues in naming therapy, halaman 143-144
  66. Further evidence for persisting difficulties in orthographic learning in highly educated adults with a history of developmental dyslexia, halaman 145-146
  67. Written word production of a Cantonese dysgraphic patient, halaman 148-149
  68. Peripheral agraphia in writing numbers: Role of processing load, halaman 150-151
  69. Amusia: Selective rhythm processing following left temporoparietal lesion in a professional musician with conduction aphasia, halaman 152-153
  70. Auditory vigilance of linguistic and nonlinguistic stimuli in individuals with aphasia, halaman 154-155
  71. "Fast same reaction" in phonemic discrimination task in aphasic patients, halaman 156-157
  72. Speech coordination in individuals with aphasia and normal speakers, halaman 158-159
  73. Perception and short-term memory for verbal information in children with specific language impairment: Further evidence for impaired short-term memory capacities, halaman 160-161
  74. Recovery from aphasia after polytrauma in a Czech child: What is lost and what is left, halaman 163-164
  75. Rehabilitation of arithmetic abilities: Different intervention strategies for multiplication, halaman 165-166
  76. Quantitative and qualitative changes in phonemic word fluency: A longitudinal study of aphasia, halaman 167-168
  77. Effects of phonological neighbourhood in recovery from word-finding impairment: A case study, halaman 169-170
  78. Picture naming treatment in aphasia yields greater improvement in L1, halaman 171-172
  79. Transfer patterns of naming treatment in a case of bilingual aphasia, halaman 173-174
  80. Biofeedback treatment of buccofacial apraxia using EMA, halaman 175-176
  81. The recovery from aphasia depends on both the left and right hemispheres: Three longitudinal case studies on the dynamics of language function after aphasia, halaman 177-178
  82. Cognitive, linguistic, and motor speech effects of donepezil hydrochloride in a patient with stroke-related aphasia and apraxia of speech, halaman 179-180
  83. Learning and maintenance in aphasia rehabilitation, halaman 181-182
  84. A Cantonese linguistic communication measure (CLCM): Further development, halaman 183-184
  85. Can the Boston Naming Test be used as clinical tool for differential diagnosis in dementia?, halaman 185-186
  86. Idiom comprehension in childhood: An assessment tool and age norms, halaman 188-191
  87. Interictal language functions in chronic mesial temporal lobe epilepsy, halaman 194-195
  88. Preserved ERP markers for language processing in a patient with a partial resection of the brain, halaman 199-200
  89. Processing homonymous and polysemous words: The effects of focal left- and right-hemisphere damage, halaman 202-203
  90. Interpretation of prosodic indicators of speaker confidence following right hemisphere damage, halaman 204-205
  91. Inferential abilities in right-hemisphere-damaged individuals: Looking for subgroups, halaman 206-207
  92. Impact of resources restriction on processing of non-literal utterances, halaman 208-209
  93. Accounting for the pragmatic deficit in RHD individuals: A multiple case study, halaman 210-211
  94. Inferencing abilities by right-brain-damaged individuals under a dual task condition, halaman 212-213
  95. Confrontation naming in aphasic and non-aphasic patients with frontotemporal dementia, halaman 35
  96. Morphology does not help comprehension in agrammatism: A study of German and Hebrew, halaman 52
  97. Gogi aphasia or semantic dementia? Neuropsychological evidence for an amodal, dynamic semantic system, halaman 83
  98. Dissociating object knowledge and number knowledge in semantic dementia and corticobasal degeneration: Correlation with high-resolution MRI, halaman 98
  99. Learning new objects with new names: Cognitive and neural correlates of lexical acquisition, halaman 128
  100. Writing and long term memory: Evidence for a "translation" hypothesis, halaman 142
  101. The pioneering work of Marce' (1856) on the distinction between speech and writing, halaman 147
  102. Cognitive and linguistic disturbances in the posterior fossa syndrome in children: A diaschisis phenomenon?, halaman 162
  103. A method for creation and validation of a natural spoken language corpus used for prosodic and speech perception, halaman 187
  104. Correlating motor and cognitive behaviour: Exploring the notion of akinetic and dyskinetic linguistic homologues, halaman 192
  105. EEG analysis of Brazilian sign language comprehension, halaman 193
  106. The Jackson vs. Broca debate of 1868: French and British 19th century views on the localization of language in the brain, halaman 196
  107. Neural basis for confrontation naming difficulty in semantic dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, halaman 197
  108. Crucial involvement of language relevant areas in auditory working memory: fMRI findings in healthy subjects, halaman 198
  109. Maintaining speech in early neurodegenerative disease: Broca’s activity increases while other areas decline, halaman 201

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