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Brain and Language (Full Text) vol. 87 no. 1 (2003)
Brain and Language
(EN )
Brain and Language
Journal - ilmiah internasional
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Brain and Language (Full Text)
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
Language deficits and basal ganglia lesions: The past tense
, halaman 7-8
Regular and irregular verb inflections in agrammatism: Dissociation or association?
, halaman 9-10
The crucial role of tense for verb production
, halaman 11-12
On lexical organization in the human brain: Evidence from intracarotid sodium amytal injection
, halaman 13-14
An ERP investigation of age-of-acquisition effects in spoken word recognition
, halaman 15-16
The comprehension of pronouns and reflexives in agrammatic and Wernicke’s aphasia
, halaman 17-18
Adverb placement as evidence for clause structure and parameterization of verb movement in a bilingual Greek–English speaking patient with Broca’s aphasia
, halaman 19-20
Pronominal reference and agrammatic comprehension
, halaman 21-22
Beyond canonical form: Verb-frame frequency affects verb production and comprehension
, halaman 23-24
Concreteness effects in lexical tasks: Access to a mental image?
, halaman 25-26
Syntactic deficits in aphasia: Was Wernicke right after all?
, halaman 27-28
The relationship between naming performance and underlying category structure in Alzheimer’s disease
, halaman 29-30
Effects of relatedness, repetition and rate: Further investigations of context-sensitive naming
, halaman 31-32
The relative effects of imageability and age-of-acquisition on aphasic misnaming
, halaman 33-34
Effects of metrical and segmental cues on word retrieval in aphasia
, halaman 36-37
Deep dysphasia in Turkish
, halaman 38-39
Structural constraints in aphasic speech errors
, halaman 40-41
Intrasubject variability of cognitive and word retrieval performance across six sessions
, halaman 42-43
Changes in error patterns pre- and post-treatment in view of the interactive activation model of lexical retrieval
, halaman 44-45
A single case study of pathological mixing in a polyglot aphasic
, halaman 46-47
Memory disturbances and comprehension of verbal suffixes: A case study of aphasia in Indonesian
, halaman 48-49
On the morphological basis of syntactic deficits
, halaman 50-51
The trouble with nouns and verbs
, halaman 53-54
Independent access to the meaning and the syntax of morphologically complex words: Evidence from a case of acquired dyslexia
, halaman 55-56
Grammatical gender processing in aphasic patients
, halaman 57-58
Wh-question production in German Broca’s aphasia
, halaman 59-60
Complex sentences in Dutch Broca’s aphasia: Another case of dissociated functional projections?
, halaman 61-62
Verbs with alternating transitivity in Parkinson’s disease: Evidence from production and comprehension tasks
, halaman 63-64
Economy principles of grammar in agrammatic aphasia
, halaman 65-66
Grammaticality judgment under non-optimal processing conditions: Deficits induced in normal participants resemble those observed in aphasic patients
, halaman 67-68
On the nature of direct speech in narratives of African Americans with aphasia
, halaman 69-70
Prosodic and lexical semantic influences on syntactic parsing in subjects with right and left hemisphere damage
, halaman 71-72
The role of syntactic processing in idiom comprehension
, halaman 73-74
Syntactically reduced speech in Italian Broca’s aphasics and normal speakers
, halaman 75-76
Task-demand modulation of activation in Broca's area
, halaman 77-78
Lexical, syntactic, and semantic constraints on auxiliary selection in French: A first dissociation
, halaman 79-80
The organisation of semantic memory: Evidence from semantic refractory access dysphasia
, halaman 81-82
The conceptual structure of cabbages and things
, halaman 84-85
Knowledge of "sensory-quality" categories in two herpes encephalitic patients
, halaman 86-87
Semantic processing and category-specificity: A new methodological approach
, halaman 88-89
Unitary versus multiple semantics: Evidence from neuroimaging studies
, halaman 90-91
Measuring the activation and causal role of motor affordances in object identification
, halaman 92-93
Residual knowledge of objects in semantic dementia: Semantic or ‘‘semantic-like’’?
, halaman 94-95
Summation of semantic priming effects in Parkinson’s Disease and healthy individuals
, halaman 96-97
Temporal constraints on summation of activation in Broca’s aphasia: Evidence from a triplet-priming task
, halaman 99-100
The effect of backward masking on direct and indirect semantic priming in patients with Parkinson’s disease and in healthy individuals
, halaman 101-102
Dopamine enhances semantic salience: Semantic priming evidence from healthy individuals
, halaman 103-104
Longitudinal pattern of knowledge loss for plants and manufactured objects in a patient with Alzheimer's disease
, halaman 105-106
Semantic processing of words in right- and left-handers
, halaman 107-108
Investigating semantic deficits with nouns and verbs in Alzheimer’s disease
, halaman 109-111
Pattern of letter substitutions in a case of acquired dysgraphia: The influence of visuospatial and stroke-feature similarity
, halaman 112-113
Stress assignment in German patients with surface dyslexia
, halaman 114-115
Evidence for separate tonal and segmental tiers in the lexical specification of words: A production and perception study of a brain-damaged Chinese speaker
, halaman 116-117
Position-specific or position-independent grapheme representations in the spelling system: Evidence from dysgraphia
, halaman 118-119
The orthographic representation of consonant–vowel status: Evidence from two cases of acquired dysgraphia
, halaman 120-121
Acquired childhood aphasia: British contributions to the 19th century debate
, halaman 122-123
Recovery of word form processing after left inferior parietal lesion: A single case fMRI study
, halaman 124-125
Recovery from anomia: Effects of specific rehabilitation on brain reorganisation: An er-fMRI study in 2 anomic patients
, halaman 126-127
Investigating comprehension impairments in users of British Sign Language following CVA
, halaman 129-130
Numbers and calculation in crossed aphasia
, halaman 131-132
The neural basis of the prosody–syntax interplay: The role of the corpus callosum
, halaman 133-134
Differentiation of syntactic processes in the left and right anterior temporal lobe: Event-related brain potential evidence from lesion patients
, halaman 135-136
Visual processing of lexical and sublexical units in dyslexia
, halaman 137-138
Effect of training phoneme to grapheme conversion in improving written and oral deficits
, halaman 139-141
Increasing versus vanishing cues in naming therapy
, halaman 143-144
Further evidence for persisting difficulties in orthographic learning in highly educated adults with a history of developmental dyslexia
, halaman 145-146
Written word production of a Cantonese dysgraphic patient
, halaman 148-149
Peripheral agraphia in writing numbers: Role of processing load
, halaman 150-151
Amusia: Selective rhythm processing following left temporoparietal lesion in a professional musician with conduction aphasia
, halaman 152-153
Auditory vigilance of linguistic and nonlinguistic stimuli in individuals with aphasia
, halaman 154-155
"Fast same reaction" in phonemic discrimination task in aphasic patients
, halaman 156-157
Speech coordination in individuals with aphasia and normal speakers
, halaman 158-159
Perception and short-term memory for verbal information in children with specific language impairment: Further evidence for impaired short-term memory capacities
, halaman 160-161
Recovery from aphasia after polytrauma in a Czech child: What is lost and what is left
, halaman 163-164
Rehabilitation of arithmetic abilities: Different intervention strategies for multiplication
, halaman 165-166
Quantitative and qualitative changes in phonemic word fluency: A longitudinal study of aphasia
, halaman 167-168
Effects of phonological neighbourhood in recovery from word-finding impairment: A case study
, halaman 169-170
Picture naming treatment in aphasia yields greater improvement in L1
, halaman 171-172
Transfer patterns of naming treatment in a case of bilingual aphasia
, halaman 173-174
Biofeedback treatment of buccofacial apraxia using EMA
, halaman 175-176
The recovery from aphasia depends on both the left and right hemispheres: Three longitudinal case studies on the dynamics of language function after aphasia
, halaman 177-178
Cognitive, linguistic, and motor speech effects of donepezil hydrochloride in a patient with stroke-related aphasia and apraxia of speech
, halaman 179-180
Learning and maintenance in aphasia rehabilitation
, halaman 181-182
A Cantonese linguistic communication measure (CLCM): Further development
, halaman 183-184
Can the Boston Naming Test be used as clinical tool for differential diagnosis in dementia?
, halaman 185-186
Idiom comprehension in childhood: An assessment tool and age norms
, halaman 188-191
Interictal language functions in chronic mesial temporal lobe epilepsy
, halaman 194-195
Preserved ERP markers for language processing in a patient with a partial resection of the brain
, halaman 199-200
Processing homonymous and polysemous words: The effects of focal left- and right-hemisphere damage
, halaman 202-203
Interpretation of prosodic indicators of speaker confidence following right hemisphere damage
, halaman 204-205
Inferential abilities in right-hemisphere-damaged individuals: Looking for subgroups
, halaman 206-207
Impact of resources restriction on processing of non-literal utterances
, halaman 208-209
Accounting for the pragmatic deficit in RHD individuals: A multiple case study
, halaman 210-211
Inferencing abilities by right-brain-damaged individuals under a dual task condition
, halaman 212-213
Confrontation naming in aphasic and non-aphasic patients with frontotemporal dementia
, halaman 35
Morphology does not help comprehension in agrammatism: A study of German and Hebrew
, halaman 52
Gogi aphasia or semantic dementia? Neuropsychological evidence for an amodal, dynamic semantic system
, halaman 83
Dissociating object knowledge and number knowledge in semantic dementia and corticobasal degeneration: Correlation with high-resolution MRI
, halaman 98
Learning new objects with new names: Cognitive and neural correlates of lexical acquisition
, halaman 128
Writing and long term memory: Evidence for a "translation" hypothesis
, halaman 142
The pioneering work of Marce' (1856) on the distinction between speech and writing
, halaman 147
Cognitive and linguistic disturbances in the posterior fossa syndrome in children: A diaschisis phenomenon?
, halaman 162
A method for creation and validation of a natural spoken language corpus used for prosodic and speech perception
, halaman 187
Correlating motor and cognitive behaviour: Exploring the notion of akinetic and dyskinetic linguistic homologues
, halaman 192
EEG analysis of Brazilian sign language comprehension
, halaman 193
The Jackson vs. Broca debate of 1868: French and British 19th century views on the localization of language in the brain
, halaman 196
Neural basis for confrontation naming difficulty in semantic dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
, halaman 197
Crucial involvement of language relevant areas in auditory working memory: fMRI findings in healthy subjects
, halaman 198
Maintaining speech in early neurodegenerative disease: Broca’s activity increases while other areas decline
, halaman 201
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