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JurnalBrain and Language (Full Text) vol. 91 no. 1 (2004)
Topik: Linguistics; Psycholinguistics; Brain and Language
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0093-934X    Year:: 2004    Edisi: Softcopy    
Penerbit: Brain and Language
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Brain and Language (Full Text)]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Errors of lexical selection during high and low semantic competition, halaman 7-8
  2. Sparing of proper nouns and dates in aphasia, halaman 9-10
  3. Naming and semantic processing in Alzheimer dementia: A coherent picture?, halaman 11-12
  4. Abstract words are represented in an associative network whilst concrete words are represented in a categorical network, halaman 13-14
  5. Neural correlates of word class processing: An fMRI study, halaman 15-16
  6. Neural correlates of verb second in Dutch: An fMRI study, halaman 17-18
  7. Compensation articulation in individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD), halaman 19-20
  8. Impact of Parkinson's disease on the production of contrastive and phonemic stress from the listeners' perspective, halaman 21-22
  9. Confirming the role of the insula in coordinating complex but not simple articulatory movements, halaman 23-24
  10. A method for on-line evaluation of emotional prosody in healthy and disordered populations, halaman 25-26
  11. Using the Cantonese linguistic communication measure to monitor changes of narrative production in aphasic patients, halaman 27-28
  12. Underlying factors impacting differential outcomes in linguistic function subsequent to treatment for posterior fossa tumour in children, halaman 29-30
  13. Auditory comprehension and visual-manual tracking dual-task performance in aphasia: Preliminary findings, halaman 31-32
  14. AoA effects on Chinese language processing: An fMRI study, halaman 33-34
  15. The representation of segmental information: An fMRI investigation of the consonant–vowel distinction, halaman 35-37
  16. A new method for measuring cortical dopaminergic activity during cognitive performance: A study on verbal working memory using PET and [11C]FLB 457 radiotracer, halaman 38-39
  17. Functional magnetic resonance imaging of the cognitive components of the spelling process, halaman 40-41
  18. Coherence of narratives in aphasia, halaman 42-43
  19. Supported versus unsupported narrative elicitation: Impact on language production in aphasia, halaman 44-46
  20. Feast or famine: Fixed expressions in the spontaneous speech of left hemisphere- and right hemisphere-damaged subjects, halaman 47-48
  21. Dynamic aphasia and the generation of language, halaman 49-50
  22. The urge to communicate in severe dementia, halaman 51-52
  23. Pragmatically appropriate code-switching in a quadrilingual with Wernicke’s aphasia, halaman 54-55
  24. Prosodic production and domain sensitivity in brain-damaged patients, halaman 56-57
  25. Intonation perception in crossed aphasia, halaman 58-59
  26. Evidence for separate lexical tone and sentence intonation: A perception study of Chinese aphasic patients, halaman 60-61
  27. The time course of lexical activation in Broca’s and Wernicke's aphasia: Evidence from eye-movements, halaman 62-63
  28. A study of syntactic processing in aphasia I: Behavioral (psycholinguistic) aspects, halaman 64-65
  29. A study of syntactic processing in aphasia II: Neurological aspects, halaman 66-67
  30. Testing the interactive two-step model of lexical access: How we do it and why, halaman 69-70
  31. Testing the interactive two-step model of lexical access: Part I. picture naming, halaman 71-72
  32. Testing the interactive two-step model of lexical access: Part II. Predicting repetition from naming, halaman 73-74
  33. Effect of semantic naming treatment on crosslinguistic generalization in bilingual aphasia, halaman 75-77
  34. The contribution of verb retrieval to sentence construction: A clinical study, halaman 78-79
  35. Facilitating communication in dementia with multimedia technology, halaman 80-81
  36. Longitudinal fMRI study of aphasia recovery in frontal stroke, halaman 82-83
  37. Writing in primary progressive anarthria, halaman 84-85
  38. A case report of a Cantonese surface dyslexic patient: Further evidence for a dual-route model of reading Chinese, halaman 86-87
  39. Concreteness effects in global alexia: A right hemisphere contribution?, halaman 88-89
  40. Integration of lexical and sublexical processing in the spelling of regular words: A multiple single-case study of dysgraphia in Italian patients, halaman 90-91
  41. A case of allographic agraphia, halaman 92-93
  42. Orthographic neighborhoods: Evidence from dysgraphia, halaman 94-95
  43. Product relationships in rewriting Arabic numerals from written verbal numerals: A selective difficulty in aphasia, halaman 96-97
  44. Written accent and surface dysgraphia in a Spanish brain-damaged patient, halaman 98-99
  45. Rethinking the graphemic buffer?, halaman 100-101
  46. Tonal dyslexia in Chinese, halaman 102-103
  47. Tense and agreement in clausal representations: Evidence from German agrammatic aphasia, halaman 104-105
  48. An insight in small clauses and negative clauses in agrammatism: Data from Italian, halaman 106-107
  49. Verb transformation in non-fluent progressive aphasia, halaman 108-109
  50. Morphosyntactic features do matter, halaman 110-111
  51. A limit for a resource reduction theory of syntactic comprehension deficits: An auditory moving window investigation, halaman 112-113
  52. Well-formedness judgement in Broca’s aphasia: A systematic comparison of different error-types and sentence-types, halaman 114-115
  53. Question production in Dutch agrammatism, halaman 116-117
  54. Tense times in aphasic sentence comprehension, halaman 118-119
  55. Verb activation patterns in on-line sentence processing of Dutch matrix clauses, halaman 120-121
  56. Complex sentence comprehension in a patient with a semantic short-term memory deficit, halaman 122-123
  57. Complexity in the comprehension of wh-movement structures in agrammatic Broca’s aphasia: Evidence from eyetracking, halaman 124-125
  58. Production of functional categories in agrammatic narratives: An Item Response Theory Analysis, halaman 126-127
  59. Verb inflection in Broca's aphasia: Influence of movement, finiteness, tense, and regularity, halaman 128-129
  60. Explaining verb production difficulty in aphasia: Testing the division of labor between syntactic and semantic information, halaman 130-131
  61. Sentence comprehension in progressive aphasia and frontotemporal dementia: An fMRI study, halaman 134-135
  62. Longitudinal study of semantic memory in Alzheimer’s disease, halaman 136-137
  63. Semantics and syntax of mass and count nouns: Data from aphasia and dementia, halaman 138-139
  64. Effects of semantic impairment on repetition and verbal short-term memory: Evidence from semantic dementia, halaman 140-141
  65. Differential impact on aphasic naming induced by repeated naming versus word-onset gating, halaman 142-143
  66. The time course of semantic activation in Parkinson's disease, halaman 145-146
  67. Confounds in the distinction between high- and low-imageability words: Phonological, etymological, and morphological differences, halaman 147-149
  68. Naming of nouns and verbs in aphasia: Preliminary results of a word retrieval task in a sentence context, halaman 150-151
  69. Connectionist diagnosis of lexical processing in aphasia: Comparing a single- versus a dual-route model of repetition, halaman 152-153
  70. The role of similarity structure in category specific deficits in Alzheimer's disease, halaman 154-155
  71. Categorization processes in corticobasal degeneration and Alzheimer's disease, halaman 156-157
  72. Potential words in aphasic noun compound production, halaman 158-159
  73. Processing of mass/count information in semantic dementia and agrammatic aphasia, halaman 160-161
  74. Two types of semantic impairment in different patient populations: Content versus process, halaman 162-163
  75. Mathematics in right hemisphere aphasia: A case series study, halaman 164-165
  76. Right hemisphere stroke: Group and individual performance trends on word list recall and recognition, halaman 166-167
  77. Effects of right hemisphere brain injury on the use of components of prosody for syntactic comprehension, halaman 168-169
  78. Resource limitations as a determinant of right-hemisphere-damaged difficulties in processing alternative metaphorical meaning of words, halaman 170-171
  79. Lack of inhibition could contribute to non-literal language impairments in right-hemisphere-damaged individuals, halaman 172-174
  80. A subcortical chain of command involved in the regulation of linguistic processes?, halaman 175-176
  81. An errorless learning approach to treating dysnomia, halaman 177-178
  82. Understanding response to treatment with error analysis, halaman 179-180
  83. Unexpected recovery of language function after massive left-hemisphere infarct: Coordinated psycholinguistic and neuroimaging studies, halaman 181-182
  84. Auditory sentence processing in an aphasic patient at different stages of recovery: An ERP investigation, halaman 183-184
  85. The benefits of orthographic cueing to naming deficits in aphasia: A case study, halaman 185-186
  86. Using strengths to treat deficits: A case study in anomia treatment, halaman 187-188
  87. The role of effort in errorless and errorful learning, halaman 189-190
  88. The role of the "visual word form area" in modality independent lexical processing, halaman 191-192
  89. An event-related fMRI investigation of phonological–lexical competition, halaman 193-194
  90. Natural versus grammatical gender: An fMRI study on lexical processing in the human brain, halaman 195-196
  91. The deterioration of discourse in neurodegenerative disease, halaman 53
  92. Symposium: Progress in testing the interactive two-step model of lexical access, halaman 68
  93. Symposium Current Controversy: Functional neuroimaging of language Chair: Steven S. Small: Whetting the appetite for wetbrain science: What we can learn about language from functional neuroimaging, halaman 132
  94. Cut us another slice: Why functional imaging research is not very satisfying, halaman 133
  95. A deficit in naming and repeating words involving hand imagery in a group of brain-injured patients, halaman 144

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