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JurnalELT Journal = English Language Teaching Journal (Full Text) vol. 68 no. 2 (2014)
Topik: Linguistics; Language; English Language Teaching
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0951-0893    Year:: 2014    
Penerbit: Oxford University Press
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal ELT Journal = English Language Teaching Journal (Full Text)]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Learning English by walking down the street, halaman 113-123
  2. The authenticity of real texts in advanced English language textbooks, halaman 124-134
  3. Maximizing learning from written output, halaman 135-144
  4. Getting to grips with noun groups, halaman 145-154
  5. Investigating teacher-supported peer assessment for EFL writing, halaman 155-168
  6. A study into how high school students learn using narrative frames, halaman 169-178
  7. ‘Keep talking’: using music during small group discussions in EAP, halaman 179-191
  8. FORUM REPORT: Twenty-first century Shakespeare and ELT, halaman 192-195
  9. KEY CONCEPTS IN ELT: Oral corrective feedback, halaman 196-198
  10. Review: Teaching Materials and the Roles of EFL/ESL Teachers: Practice and Theory by I. McGrath, halaman 199-202
  11. Review: Pragmatics and Prosody in English Language Teaching by J. Romero-Trillo (ed.), halaman 202-205
  12. Review: English as a Lingua Franca in the International University: The Politics of Academic English Language Policy by J. Jenkins, halaman 205-207
  13. Review: Pragmatics for Language Educators: A Sociolinguistic Perspective by V. LoCastro, halaman 208-211
  14. Review: Teaching and Learning Second Language Listening: Metacognition in Action by L. Vandergrift and C. C. M. Goh, halaman 211-213
  15. Review: How We Learn and How We Should be Taught: An Introduction to the Work of Caleb Gattegno (Volume 1) by R. Young and P. Messum, halaman 213-216
  16. Review: Online Teacher Education: TESOL Perspectives by L. England (ed.), halaman 216-219

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