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JurnalBrain and Language (Full Text) vol. 98 no. 2 (2006)
Topik: Linguistics; Psycholinguistics; Brain and Language
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0093-934X    Year:: 2006    Edisi: Softcopy    
Penerbit: Brain and Language
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Brain and Language (Full Text)]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Neuroanatomically separable eVects of imageability and grammatical class during single-word comprehension, halaman 127-139
  2. The effect of word length on lexical decision in dyslexic and normal reading children, halaman 140-149
  3. Sex diVerences in cerebral laterality of language and visuospatial processing, halaman 150-158
  4. Inferential bridging relations reveal distinct neural mechanisms: Evidence from event-related brain potentials, halaman 159-168
  5. Neuroanatomical and behavioral asymmetry in an adult compensated dyslexic, halaman 169-181
  6. Neural correlates of morphological decomposition in a morphologically rich language: An fMRI study, halaman 182-193
  7. Stochastic approaches to understanding dissociations in inflectional morphology, halaman 194-209
  8. Cultural and linguistic influence on neural bases of ‘Theory of Mind’: An fMRI study with Japanese bilinguals, halaman 210-220
  9. Repetition priming and hyperpriming in semantic dementia, halaman 221-234
  10. Cross-language lexical connections in the mental lexicon: Evidence from a case of trilingual aphasia, halaman 235-247

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