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JurnalLanguage Sciences (Full Text) vol. 10 no. 1 (1988)
Topik: Linguistics; Language Science
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0388-0001    Year:: 1988    
Penerbit: Pergamon Press
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Language Sciences (Full Text)]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. The Development of New and Old Information in Young Children’s Early Language, halaman 3-34
  2. The Roots of Narrative: Discussing Recent Events with Very Young Children, halaman 35-52
  3. The Cultural Construction of Semantic Contingency in Mother-Child Speech, halaman 53-67
  4. The Role of Joint Attentional Processes in Early Language Development, halaman 69-88
  5. Recent Developments in Speech to Children: We’ve Come a Long Way, Baby-talk, halaman 89-110
  6. The Over-generalization of Morphological Forms as a Function of Experience, halaman 111-122
  7. Towards an Anthropology of Language Acquisition’, halaman 123-146
  8. Constraints on Learning and Their Role in Language Acquisition: Studies of the Acquisition of American Sign Language, halaman 147-172
  9. Paraphrasing: Extending the Data Base for Child Language Research, halaman 173-192
  10. On the Acquisition of Discourse among Autistic Children, halaman 193-224
  11. Cognition and Phonology in Acquisition of Plurals and Possessives by Luo Children, halaman 225-240
  12. REVIEW: A CHILD’S LEARNING OF ENGLISH. Edited by Paul Fletcher, halaman 241-243

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