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Cracking The Code of Change
Nohria, Nittin
Beer, Michael
Article from Bulletin/Magazine - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
Harvard Business Review bisa di lihat di link ( vol. 78 no. 3 (2000)
page 133-144.
change management
corporate culture
corporate governance
employee empowerment
human behaviour
human resources management
management philosophy
management styles
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Today's fast - paced economy demands that businesses change or die. But few companies manage corporate transformations as well as they would like. The brutal fact is that about 70 % of all change initiatives fail. In this article, authors Michael Beer and Nitin Nohria describe two archetypes - or theories - of corporate transformation that may help executives crack the code of change. Theory E is change based on economic value: shareholder value is the only legitimate measure of success, and change often involves heavy use of economic incentives, layoffs, downsizing, and restructuring. Theory O is change based on organizational capability : the goal is to build and strengthen corporate culture. Most companies focus purely on one theory or the other, or haphazardly use a mix of both, the authors say. Combining E and O is directionally correct, they contend, but it requires a careful, conscious integration plan. Beer and Nohria present the examples of two companies, Scott Paper and Champion International, that used a purely E or purely O strategy to create change - and met with limited levels of success. They contrast those corporate transformations with that of UK - based retailer ASDA, which has successfully embraced the paradox between the opposing theories of change and integrated E and O. The lesson from ASDA ? To thrive and adapt in the new economy, companies must make sure the E and O theories of business change are in sync at their own organizations.
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