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Experiments on Heat Transfer in A Thin Liquid Film Flowing Over A Rotating Disk
Faghri, A.
Cetegen, B. M.
Ozar, B.
Article from Bulletin/Magazine
Dalam koleksi:
Journal of Heat Transfer vol. 126 no. 2 (Apr. 2004)
page 184-192.
thin film
heat transfer
thin liqiuid film
rotating disk
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An experimental study of heat transfer into a thin liquid film on a rotating heated disk is described. Deionized water was introduced at the center of a heated, horizontal disk with a constant film thickness and uniform radial velocity. Radial distribution of the disk surface temperatures was measured using a thermocouple / slip ring arrangement. Experiments were performed for a range of liquid flow rates between 3.0 lpm and 15.0 lpm. The angular speed of the disk was varied from 0 rpm to 500 rpm. The local heat transfer coefficient was determined based on the heat flux supplied to the disk and the temperature difference between the measured disk surface temperature and the liquid entrance temperature onto the disk. The local heat transfer coefficient was seen to increase with increasing flow rate as well as increasing angular velocity of the disk. Effect of rotation on heat transfer was largest for the lower liquid flow rates with the effect gradually decreasing with increasing liquid flow rates. Semi - empirical correlations are presented in this study for the local and average Nusselt numbers.
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