Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) and Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) are still high in Indonesia, compare to other countries in ASEAN. Indonesian Health Demography Survey on 2007 shows MMR is 228/100.000 live birth and IMR is 53/1000 live birth. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia already has a program, calles Jaminan Persalinan (Jampersal), to support the attempt of increasing maternal health and reducing child mortality. The aim of this research is to observe the overview of antenatal care on pregnant women whom participate and not participate in Jampersal at Pasar Minggu community health care, South Jakarta on 2010-2013, on the year where the program has enforced and three years after. The research used a cross-sectional, observational descriptive method. Data collection was compiled by assessing secondary data taken from pregnant women cohort data at Pasar Minggu community health care from January 2010 to March 2013 with 3.224 women in total. The result has shown into graphics and tables. The scope of antenatal care on pregnant women whom participate in Jampersal at Pasar Minggu community health care is 20.4% and on pregnant women shom not participate in Jampersal is 12.5%. There should be regular counseling and an adjustment to the cohort form thus the data collecting is easier to do. |