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ArtikelLinking as Constraints on Word Classes in a Hierarchical Lexicon  
Oleh: Davis, Anthony R. ; Koenig, Jean-pierre
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Language (ada di JSTOR) vol. 76 no. 1 (1999), page 56-91.
Fulltext: Vol. 76, No. 1, pp. 56-91.pdf (13.46MB)
Isi artikelWe propose an account of linking patterns that does away with intermediary mechanisms such as thematic or actor/undergoer hierarchies. Instead, constraints on word classes, defined by both syntactic and semantic criteria, encode generalizations between semantic roles and syntactic argu- ments. We show that the generalizations a linking theory needs to capture can be modeled via the same mechanisms as other lexical generalizations, using conditions specified within the hier- archy of word classes. Each condition provides a partial specification of the mapping between semantic roles and syntactic arguments. We argue that this constraint-based, verb-class-based view of linking offers several empirical advantages: partial regularities and exceptions are easily accommodated, fine-grained semantic distinctions relevant to linking are countenanced, and cross- cutting similarities between semantic and syntactic verb classes are economically captured.*
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