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A Longitudinal Study of Principles of Control and Pronominal Reference in Child English
Caims, Helen Smith
McDaniel, Dana
Hsu, Jennifer Ryan
Rapp, Michelle
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
Language (ada di JSTOR) vol. 70 no. 2 (1994)
page 260-288.
Vol. 70, No. 2, pp. 260-288.pdf
Isi artikel
This article reports a nine-month longitudinal study of fifteen children who, at the beginning of the study, ranged in age from 3;10 to 4;11. In the course of the study we traced the development of principles of control in their grammars and tested hypotheses about the linguistic analyses underlying the observed nonadult interpretations of con- structions such as Grover tries PR() to jIump ov)l(er the fence, Big Bird tells Ernie PRO() to jlump over the fence, and Ernie kisses Cookie Monst(er before PRO jlllmping over thle fen(e. The study also investigated the children'sjudgments of pronominal reference in sentences such as Ernie kisses Cookie Monster- before he jumops over the flence. The results confirm a developmental sequence that is driven by lexical learning and changing structural anal- yses. They also provide further information about a period experienced by some children in which pronominal reference is constrained in a manner that is clearly related to control phenomena.
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