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JurnalCollege Composition and Communication (Ada di JSTOR) vol. 63 no. 3 (Feb. 2010)
Topik: language and literature; linguistics; education; writing; composition and communication
Bahasa: (EN )    Year:: 2010    Bulan: 02    Edisi: Soft copy    
Penerbit: National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal College Composition and Communication (Ada di JSTOR)]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. The Undergraduate Writing Major: What Is It? What Should It Be?, halaman 415-433
  2. The Ruse of Clarity, halaman 434-451
  3. Rhetorical Numbers: A Case for Quantitative Writing in the Composition Classroom, halaman 452-475
  4. Emergent Strategies for an Established Field: The Role of Worker-Writer Collectives in Composition and Rhetoric, halaman 476-509
  5. Composing Women's Civic Identities during the Progressive Era:College Commencement Addresses as Overlooked Rhetorical Sites, halaman 510-533
  6. The State of WAC/WID in 2010:Methods and Results of the U.S. Survey of the International WAC/WID Mapping Project, halaman 534-570
  7. 2009 CCCC Chair's Address: The Wonder of Writing, halaman 571-580
  8. 2009 CCCC Exemplar Award Acceptance Speech, halaman 581-582

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