Anda belum login :: 13 Mar 2025 09:51 WIB
ArtikelConceptual Priming Differences and Reading Ability  
Oleh: Clark, Elaine ; Woltz, Dan J. ; Reynolds, Ralph E. ; Larkin, Amy A.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Contemporary Educational Psychology vol. 21 no. 03 (Jul. 1996), page 279-303.
Topik: CONCEPTUALIZATION; reading ability; priming differences; conceptual
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    • Nomor Panggil: C15
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Isi artikelBased on current theories of memory and reading ability, we hypothesized that children's reading ability would be correlated with two forms of memory priming that reflect implicit memory processes. One memory measure reflected direct (repetition) priming, and the other represented indirect or semantic priming. We contrasted these relationships to that between explicit memory (i.e. episodic recognition performance) and reading. In a sample of 60 sixth graders, the indirect (semantic) priming measure accounted for 26% of the variance in Stanford Achievement Test Reading scores, while the episodic recognition measure accounted for 20% of the variance. The two memory measures had a modest intercorrelation, and in combination they accounted for 35% of the reading variance. The direct (repetition) priming measure did not correlate significantly with SAT Reading. These findings have relevance to reading theories that emphasize the role of automatic spreading activation in language comprehension.
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