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ArtikelFeature-Marking in the L2 Development of Deverbal Compounds  
Oleh: Lardiere, Donna ; Schwartz, Bonnie D.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Linguistics (Full Text & ada di PROQUEST & JSTOR) vol. 33 no. 2 (Mar. 1997), page 327-353.
Fulltext: Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 327-353.pdf (637.4KB)
Isi artikelThis study focuses on the development of complex word formation in L2 acquisition. We examine experimentally elicited data on English deverbal synthetic compounding (such as toe-painter) by native Spanish speakers and conclude that: (a) development proceeds in stages which clearly reflect UG-constrained Li influence; (b) non- targetlike productions (e.g. painter-toes) show attempts to spell out the grammatical features associated with functional categories in deverbal compounding; though nontargetlike, they are nonetheless consistent with the compound's required feature- marking; (c) such attempts implicate the early existence in the Interlanguage of those functional heads and their projections in the (lexical) syntax; i.e., the absence of the correct phonological form cannot be taken to imply lack of knowledge of morphosyntactic features and their corresponding phrase structure.
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