Anda belum login :: 13 Mar 2025 10:35 WIB
ArtikelYoung Offenders In Custody: Risk And Adjustment  
Oleh: Cesaroni, Carla ; Badali, Michele Peterson
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Criminal Justice and Behavior vol. 32 no. 3 (Jun. 2006), page 251-277.
Topik: young offenders; custody; adjustment; risk
Fulltext: 251.pdf (152.37KB)
Isi artikelThis article explored results from a study of 113 incarcerated male youths, who were age 12 to 15 at the time of their indexed offense. Using a widely used, normed measure of psychosocial functioning, the study examined the relationship between preexisting risk factors and/or institutional risk factors and adjustment in custody. Preexisting risk or vulnerability significantly predicted adjustment to custody, as did several risk factors within facilities (worry about victimization, perceiving victimization as likely, and experiencing conflicts with inmates as difficult). Risk factors associated with institutional life appeared to contribute to a young person’s adjustment beyond the risk factors a young personmaywalk into an institution with. Onecommonly used measure of institutional functioning, number of custodial rule infractions, did not appear to be a valid indicator of how a youth felt or adjusted to a facility. Limitations and implications of the findings are discussed
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