CV. INDOMAKMUR JAYARAYA is a industrial manufacturing which producing hair care products with GO STREET trademark. The number of companies that produce similiar products demanded CV. INDOMAKMUR JAYARAYA to survive, grow, and strives to be a market leader. Companies that can translate strategy into measurement system has a better ability to execute its strategy. However, the company only did the measurement through financial performance and focused on short-term goals without considering the non-financial performance. The company doesn’t have a comprehensive strategic planning system so it can’t determine the components to encourage the achievement of corporate objectives. Based on the problems that have been formulated, the researcher will do a study to simplify the measurement and monitoring of performance that led head of corporate to make strategic decisions to ensure the achievement of the purpose of the company. The method will be used is the balanced scorecard method presented by robert kaplan which consists of 5 steps. Those steps are: identification of the vision and mision of the company, determination of the grand strategy, design the strategy map, design the performance evaluation scorecard, and test the scorecard. Trials conducted on the company in January 2013. From the result of experiments performed, the designed strategy map has been able to support the performance evaluation because the relationship between strategic objectives are valid and proven in trials. There are 2 designed scorecard, scorecard based on the perspective and scorecard based on relationship between strategic objectives. Both scorecard can be used to measure the performance of CV. INDOMAKMUR JAYARAYA in January 2013. |