Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 09:55 WIB
ArtikelOptimal Matching Analysis and Life-Course Data: The Importance of Duration  
Oleh: Halpin, Brendan
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Sociological Methods & Research (SMR) vol. 38 no. 03 (Feb. 2010), page 365-387.
Topik: Life-Course; Sequence Analysis; Optimal Matching; OM
Fulltext: Sociological Methods and Research 2010; 38; 3; 365.pdf (306.6KB)
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Isi artikelThe optimal matching (OM) alhorithm is widely used for sequence analysis in sociology. It has a natural interpretation for discrete-time sequence but is also widely used for life-history data, which are continuous in time. Life-history data are arguably better dealt with in terms of episodes rather than as strings of time-unit observations, and in this article, the author examines whether the OM algorithm is unsuitable for such sequences. Amodified version of the algorithm is proposed, weighting OM's elementary operations inversely with episode length. In the general case, the modified algorithm produces pairwise distance much lower than standard algorithm, the more the sequences are composed of long spells in the same state. However, where all th esequences in a data set cinsist of few long spells, and there is low varianility in the number of spells, the modified algorithm generates an overall pattern of distance that is not very different from standard OM.
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