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ArtikelChanges in Insulin Secretion and Insulin Sensitivity in Relation to the Glycemic Outcomes in Subjects With Impaired Glucose Tolerance in the Indian Diabetes Prevention Programme-1 (IDPP-1)  
Oleh: Snehalatha, Chamukuttan ; Mary, Simon ; Selvam, Sundaram ; Shetty, Samith Babu Ananth ; Nanditha, Arun
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Diabetes Care vol. 32 no. 10 (Oct. 2009), page 1796-1801 .
  • Perpustakaan FK
    • Nomor Panggil: D05.K.2009.03
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Isi artikel Abstract OBJECTIVE The Indian Diabetes Prevention Programme-1 (IDPP-1) showed that lifestyle modification (LSM) and metformin were effective for primary prevention of diabetes in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). Among subjects followed up for 3 years (n = 502), risk reductions versus those for the control group were 28.5, 26.4, and 28.2% in LSM, metformin (MET), and LSM plus MET groups, respectively. In this analysis, the roles of changes in secretion and action of insulin in improving the outcome were studied. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS For this analysis, 437 subjects (93 subjects with normoglycemia [NGT], 150 subjects with IGT, and 194 subjects with diabetes) were included. Measurements of anthropometry, plasma glucose, and plasma insulin at baseline and at follow-up were available for all of them. Indexes of insulin resistance (homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance) and ß-cell function (insulinogenic index [?I/G]: 30-min fasting insulin divided by 30-min glucose) were also analyzed in relation to the outcome. RESULTS Subjects with IGT showed a deterioration in ß-cell function with time. Individuals with higher insulin resistance and/or low ß-cell function at baseline had poor outcome on follow-up. In relation to no abnormalities, the highest incidence of diabetes occurred when both abnormalities coexisted (54.9 vs. 33.7%, ?2 = 7.53, P = 0.006). Individuals having abnormal insulin resistance (41.1%) or abnormal ?I/G (51.2%, ?2 = 4.87, P = 0.027 vs. no abnormalities) had lower incidence. Normal ß-cell function with improved insulin sensitivity facilitated reversal to NGT, whereas deterioration in both resulted in diabetes. The beneficial changes were better with intervention than in the control group. Intervention groups had higher rates of NGT and lower rates of diabetes. CONCLUSIONS In the IDPP-1 subjects, beneficial outcomes occurred because of improved insulin action and sensitivity caused by the intervention strategies.
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