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JurnalJournal of English Linguistics (Full Text) vol. 17 no. 1 (Mar. 1984)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0075-4242    Year:: 1984    Bulan: 03    Edisi: Softcopy    
Penerbit: Sage Publications
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Journal of English Linguistics (Full Text)]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Three English Versions of Psalm 23, halaman 1-23
  2. The Old Norse and Old English Prose Accounts of the Phoenix, halaman 24-27
  3. When is English 'Black English Vernacular'?, halaman 29-36
  4. The Stressed Vowels of the Speech of Tangier Island, Virginia, halaman 37-56
  5. Dimensions of Usage and Dictionary Labeling, halaman 57-74
  6. Review: An Introduction to Language; Language: An Introduction, halaman 75-83
  7. Review: Dictionary of Newfoundland English, halaman 84-90
  8. Review; English Dialectology: An Introduction, halaman 91-96
  9. Review: The Mirth of a Nation: America’s Great Dialect Humor, halaman 97-102
  10. Review: Jazyk, kultura a slovesnost [Language, Culture, and Literature], halaman 103-108
  11. Review: Gälisch-Englischer Sprachkontakt. Zur Variabilität des Englischen im gălischsprachigen Gebiet Schottlands. Eine empirische Studie, halaman 109-115
  12. Review: A Bibliography of Writings for the History of the English Language, halaman 116-118
  13. In Memoriam Bohumil Trnka(1895-1984), halaman 119-120
  14. In Memoriam Jess Stein (1914-1984), halaman 121-122
  15. Review: Place-Names of the Northern Neck of Virginia from John Smith's 1606 Map to the Present, halaman 123-124
  16. Review; The Languages of Britain, halaman 124-125
  17. Short Notice: Englisch Formen und Funktionen einer Weltsprache, halaman 123
  18. Survey of Spoken English: Report on Research 1975-81, halaman 125

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