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JurnalSYSTEM: An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics (Full Text) vol. 41 no. 2 (Jun. 2013)
Topik: Applied Linguistics
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0346-251X    Year:: 2013    Bulan: 06    Edisi: soft copy    
Penerbit: Elsevier
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal SYSTEM: An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics (Full Text)]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Book review: Language Teaching in Blended Contexts, halaman 487-489
  2. Mapping Applied Linguistics
  3. Corrective feedback preferences and learner repair among advanced ESL students., halaman 217-230
  4. The L2 Motivational Self System and National Interest: A Pakistani perspective, halaman 231-244
  5. Students' perception of a wiki platform and the impact of wiki engagement on intercultural communication, halaman 245-256
  6. Oral corrective feedback on L2 writing: Two approaches compared, halaman 257-268
  7. Social network formation and development during study abroad in the Middle East, halaman 269-282
  8. Communication strategies of non-native speaker novice science teachers in second language science classrooms, halaman 283-297
  9. The effect of instruction on language learners' sociolinguistic awareness: An empirical study with pedagogical implications, halaman 298-306
  10. From text to corpus – A genre-based approach to academic literacy instruction, halaman 307-321
  11. Persian–English codeswitching: A test of the Matrix Language Frame (MLF) model, halaman 322-351
  12. Validation of a controlled productive Vocabulary Levels Test below the 2000-word level, halaman 352-364
  13. Collaborative writing in pairs and small groups: Learners' attitudes and perceptions, halaman 365-378
  14. An exploration of motivation and self-beliefs of first year students of German, halaman 379-398
  15. The role of socio-economic factors in motivation to learn English as a foreign language: The case of Chile, halaman 399-412
  16. Learning paragraph structure with online annotations: An interactive approach to enhancing EFL reading comprehension, halaman 413-427
  17. Adopting academic values: Student use of that-complement clauses in academic writing, halaman 428-442
  18. Effects of an input–output mapping practice task on EFL learners' acquisition of two grammatical structures, halaman 443-461
  19. Gender differences in the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale, halaman 462-471
  20. Corrective feedback, learners' perceptions, and second language development, halaman 472-483
  21. Book review: Researching Chinese Learners: Skills, Perceptions and Intercultural Adaptations, halaman 484-485
  22. Book review: Genres across the Disciplines: Student Writing in Higher Education, halaman 485-487
  23. Book review: Research Methods in Second Language Acquisition: A Practical Guide, halaman 491-493
  24. Written Corrective Feedback in Second Language Acquisition and Writing, halaman 493-495

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