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BukuInvestigating task in formal language learning
Author: Mayo, Maria del Pilar Garcia (Editor)
Topik: LANGUAGE AND LANGUAGES - STUDY AND TEACHING; Task analysis in education
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 1-85359-927-1    
Penerbit: Multilingual Matters     Tempat Terbit: Clevedon    Tahun Terbit: 2007    
Jenis: Books
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This book brings together research that makes use of tasks to examine oral interaction, written production, vocabulary and reading, lexical innovation and pragmatics in different formal language learning contexts and in different languages (English, French, German, Italian and Spanish). It will be of interest to professionals and students working in SLA research and language pedagogy.
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Introduction, halaman 1-6
  2. Criteria for Classifying and Sequencing Pedagogic Tasks, halaman 7-26
  3. Information Distribution and Goal Orientation in Second Language Task Design, halaman 27-43
  4. The Simultaneous Manipulation of Task Complexity Along Planning Time and [+/- Here -and-now]: Effects on L2 Oral Production, halaman 44-68
  5. tasks, Negotiation and L2 Learning in a Foreign Language Context, halaman 69-90
  6. Attention to Form Across Collaborative Tasks by Low-Proficiency Learners in an EFL Setting, halaman 91-116
  7. Cognitive Task Complexity and Linguistic Performance in French L2 Writing, halaman 117-135
  8. The Effect of Manipulating Task Complexity Along the [+/- Here -and-now] Dimension on L2 Written Narrative Discourse, halaman 136-156
  9. Writing Tasks: The Effects of Collaboration, halaman 157-177
  10. L2 Vocabulary Acquisition and Reading Comprehension: The Influence of Task Complexity, halaman 178-198
  11. Task-Effect on the Use of Lexical Innovation Strategies in Interlanguage Communication, halaman 199-220
  12. Fostering EFL Learners' Awareness of Requesting Through Explicit and Implicit Consciousness-Raising Tasks, halaman 221-241
  13. Interactive Task Design: Metachat and the Whole Learner, halaman 242-264

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