Anda belum login :: 13 Mar 2025 10:35 WIB
ArtikelA special report on Germany: Steady as she goes  
Oleh: The Economist
Jenis: Article from Bulletin/Magazine
Dalam koleksi: The Economist ( vol. 394 no. 8673 (Mar. 2010), page 50+15.
Topik: Germany; Angela Merkel; Christian Social Union (CSU); Free Democratic Party (FDP); Economy
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Isi artikelIT IS hard to think of another big country where a recent election was such a non-event. Both America and Japan responded to the economic crisis by electing governments of a different colour, and Britain may do the same in a few months’ time. In Germany, after a flaccid campaign last September, voters made a judicious adjustment. Angela Merkel was re-elected as chancellor but the grand coalition she had been heading did not survive. Her conservative union—the CDU plus its Bavarian sibling, the Christian Social Union (CSU)—acquired a new coalition partner, the liberal Free Democratic Party.
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