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JurnalJournal of Pragmatics: An Interdiciplinary Journal of Language Studies vol. 44 no. 11 (2012)
Topik: Linguistics; Language; Pragmatics
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0378-2166    Year:: 2012    Edisi: soft copy    
Penerbit: Elsevier
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Journal of Pragmatics: An Interdiciplinary Journal of Language Studies]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Grammar and self-repair: Retraction patterns in German and Swedish prepositional phrases, halaman 1413-1433
  2. Knowing how to play the game of jump rope: Participation and stancetaking in a material environment, halaman 1434-1456
  3. Interactional functions of invoking procedure in institutional settings, halaman 1457-1473
  4. Activation of negated and non-negated entities, halaman 1474-1485
  5. Compliments in Taiwan and Mainland Chinese: The influence of region and compliment topic, halaman 1486-1502
  6. Native speaker/nonnative speaker interaction and orientation to novice/expert identity, halaman 1503-1518
  7. Marking of case and referential intent: A study of the ka-indefinite noun in Japanese, halaman 1519-1534
  8. Re-examination of yoroshiku onegaishimasu---The routine formula as the linguistic implementation of one's tachiba-role, halaman 1535-1548

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