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ArtikelFunctional Illiteracy And Nutritional Education In The United States: A Research-Based Approach To The Development Of Nutritional Education Materials For Functionally Illiterate Consumers  
Oleh: Viswanathan, Madhu ; Gau, Roland
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Macromarketing vol. 25 no. 2 (Aug. 2005), page 187-201.
Topik: functional illiteracy; consumer literacy; nutritional education; educational programs
Fulltext: 187.pdf (746.65KB)
Isi artikelNutritional education programs are at the intersection of two important macro-level issues; the rate of functional illiteracy among individuals in the United States and disturbing health and nutrition-related trends in the last two decades. Functionally illiterate consumers form a sizable portion of the population in the United States and a sizable portion of the likely target audience for nutritional education programs. However, until recently, research on functionally illiterate consumer behavior has essentially been nonexistent. This study’s analysis of materials currently used in nutritional education programs suggests that such materials should be modified to convey information in a more user-friendly manner. On the basis of a case study of a nutrition educational program and interviews and observations of teachers and clients, the authors develop and recommend educational materials using visual displays emphasizing the marketplace context rather than using verbal and numerical modes emphasizing abstract information.
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