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ArtikelReview Debate: We need human rights not nationalism 'lite': Globalization and British solidarity  
Oleh: O'Donnell, Mike
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Ethnicities vol. 07 no. 02 (Jun. 2007), page 248–283.
Topik: Britain; citizenship; equality; integration; multiculturalism; social solidarity
Fulltext: 248.pdf (166.21KB)
Isi artikelThe article explores the relationship of multiculturalism to social solidarity. The multicultural nature of Britain is accepted as a welcome reality but certain problems in relation to the development of multiculturalism in Britain are acknowledged. Various approaches to buttress or replace multiculturalism are reviewed. These are: a strengthened and/or reconstituted nationalism (‘Britishness’); human rights; and social equality. The issue of citizenship recurs throughout. It is argued that a combined emphasis on human rights and greater social equality offer a better basis than nationalism for strengthening solidarity in Britain, especially in the longer term. Sociological theory offers a fruitful if strangely neglected starting point for understanding social solidarity. I draw critically on Durkheim and Marx to obtain some objective perspective on this controversial matter.
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