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On Linkhood, Topicalization and Clitic left Dislocation
Alexopoulou, Theodora
Kolliakou, Dimitra
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
Journal of Linguistics (Full Text & ada di PROQUEST & JSTOR) vol. 38 no. 1 (Jul. 2002)
page 193-245.
on linkhood.pdf
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This paper focuses on the Information Packaging notion of linkhood and provides a structural de®nition of this notion for Greek. We show that a combination of structural resources ± syntactic (left dislocation), morphological (clitic duplication) and phonological (absence of nuclear accent) ± are simultaneously exploited to realize linkhood in Greek, a generalization that can be captured in a constraint-based grammar such as HPSG, which permits the expression of interface constraints. We assume Vallduvõ!'s (1992) approach to Information Packaging, and Engdahl & Vallduvõ!'s (1996) implementation of the latter in HPSG, but deviate from Vallduvõ!'s work in adopting Hendriks & Dekker's (1996) revised de®nition of linkhood that relies on non-monotone anaphora. From an empirical point of view, our approach directly accounts for the invariable association of Clitic Left Dislocated NPs with wide scope readings, as well as a number of systematic differences in felicity conditions between Clitic Left Dislocation and other apparently related phenomena (Topicalization and Clitic Doubling). From a theoretical perspective, our analysis departs from syntax-based notions of topichood or discourse-linking and supports a de®nition that uni®es linkhood with other anaphora phenomena. As such, it arguably overcomes previously noted problems for Vallduvõ!'s treatment of links as the currentlocus- of-update in a Heim-style ®le-card system.
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