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ArtikelColonization, globalization and the plight of 'weak' languages  
Oleh: Mufwene, Salikoko S.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Linguistics (Full Text & ada di PROQUEST & JSTOR) vol. 38 no. 1 (Jul. 2002), page 375-395.
Fulltext: colonization.pdf (221.72KB)
Isi artikelThe title of this article is in part intended to capture the essence of Nettle & Romaine's very informative book about the ongoing or anticipated extinction of several languages around the world. It re¯ects two factors central to the authors' arguments: colonization and globalization as causes of language endangerment and death. I recast the general scenario in terms of language contact marked by a competition for prevalence. According to the authors, this state of affairs has typically, though not always, favored the socio-economically powerful at the expense of the powerless. The present title also avoids the melodrama that pervades Nettle & Romaine's otherwise impressive documentation of facts, which sometimes sounds like a political manifesto.# I show below that this rhetoric, which is also evident in much of the related literature in linguistics, from Krauss (1992) to Crystal (2000) and Hage' ge (2000) and Maffi (2001), has typically not shed adequate light either on why the imminence of language extinction has not really been the same from one part of the world to another, or on what it really takes to keep a language alive.
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