Anda belum login :: 24 Nov 2024 04:24 WIB
BukuKurang Tidur Menghambat Neurogenesis Dewasa di Girus Dentatus Hipokampus : Sleep Deprivation Inhibits Adult neurogenesis in the Hippocampus Girus Dentatus
Author: Tanjung, Julia Rahadian
Topik: sleep deprivation; hippocampal neurogenesis; stress
Bahasa: (ID )    
Tahun Terbit: 0    
Jenis: Papers/Makalah
Fulltext: Sleep Deprivation Inhibits Adult neurogenesis - Julia Rahadian Tanjung.pdf (154.13KB; 11 download)
Lack of sleep and sleep disorder are increasing problems in urban communities at this time, however sleep is important for productivity and health, also plays an important role in learning and memory processing. Prolonged lack of sleep cause a decrease in the neurogenesis in hippocampus, the region where the integration of neuronal circuits new cells took place, this include memory processing and emotional regulation. Research for several decades has shown that new neurons are formed in particular areas in adult mammalian brain, such as the dentate region in hippocampus and subventricular area of the lateral ventricles. Various methods that cause sleep deprivation at experimental animals showed a decrease in cell proliferation in the hippocampus which mechanism is not fully understood and one of them is the result of stress as a side effect of sleep deprivation itself.
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