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BukuTesting The Untestable in Language Education
Author: Paran, Amos (Editor); Sercu, Lies (Editor)
Topik: Multicultural Education-Evaluation
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 978-1-84769-265-8    
Penerbit: Multilingual Matters     Tempat Terbit: Clevedon    Tahun Terbit: 2010    
Jenis: Books
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This book investigates the intersections between language learning and language assessment, and four specific areas within language learning: learner autonomy, intercultural competence, literature and literary competence, and the integration of content and language learning. The book is a valuable addition to the literature on what are seemingly untestable and unassessable facets of foreign language competence.
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. More Than Language: The Additional Faces of Testing and Assessment in Language Learning and Teaching , halaman 1-16
  2. Assessing Intercultural Competence: More Questions Than Answer, halaman 17-34
  3. Interculturally Savvy or Not? Developing and Assessing Intercultural Competence in The Context of Learning for Business, halaman 35-51
  4. Eliticing The Intercultural in Foreign Language Education at School, halaman 52-76
  5. Measuring Autonomy: Should We Put Our Ability to The Test?, halaman 77-97
  6. Assessment of Autonomy or Assessment for Autonomy? Evaluating Learner Autonomy for Formative Purposes, halaman 98-120
  7. Learners Reflecting on Learning: Evaluation Versus Testing in Autonomous Language Learning, halaman 120-143
  8. Between Scylla and Charybdis: The Dilemmas of Testing Language and Literature, halaman 143-164
  9. Crossing The Bridge From Appreciative Reader to Reflective Writer: The Assessment of Creative Process , halaman 165-190
  10. The Taming of The Immeasurable: An Empirical Assessment of Language Awareness, halaman 191-216
  11. Assessing Language and Content: A Funtional Perspective, halaman 217-240
  12. Teachers and Texts: Judging What English Language Learners Know From What They Say , halaman 241-256
  13. Towards Systematic and Sustained Formative Assessment of Causal Explanations in Oral Interactions, halaman 256

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