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Unraveling the Translation Process Through Verval Reports: Diffilcuties and Cognitive Activities
Rini, Julia Eka
Purwo, Bambang Kaswanti
Kurnia, Nany S.
translation process
decision making
cognitive activities
think-aloud protocols
retrospective interviews
verbal reports
(EN )
Applied English Linguistics Program Graduate School Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia
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Theses - Dissertation
Julia Eka Rini_1.pdf
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Julia Eka Rini_2.pdf
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Julia Eka Rini_3.pdf
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Julia Eka Rini_4.pdf
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Julia Eka Rini_5.pdf
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This study focuses on students’ difficulties in translation process and the cognitive activities in handling the difficulties in particular. The theoretical framework used to analyze the translation process is the three-stage translation process based on Suryawinata’s (2003) which is adapted from Nida’s (1969). The problem indicators used are those reviewed by Bernardini (1999) and two indicators obtained from the pilot study. The guidelines to relate students’ verbalization to the stages of translation process are taken from Angelone (2010). This study also uses the six stage procedural decision making by Wolfram Wills (1994).The methods used in data collection are thinking-aloud and restrospective interviews. The research participants are ten Indonesian students of the English Department of Petra Christian University. They are in their twenties and nine of them have finished their sixth semester and had taken two courses of translation classes when they participated in the research. The other one has finished the thesis defense. Their GPAs are above 3 and the TOEFL scores range from 466-542. All of them are given a chance to practice the think-aloud method before deciding to become a research participant. Each student is allowed to determine their own schedule within June-August 2010. The research is conducted individually each time in a room where one student is provided with an English text to translate into Indonesian, a piece of paper where s/he can write their Indonesian translation, and dictionaries. Each student should translate five English texts of 120-400 words long. While translating, each of the students is verbalizing what is in their mind mostly in Indonesian and is recorded with an audio recorder and also a camcorder. Meanwhile, the researcher is observing the process by listening to a transmitter outside the room. Each student is interviewed after translating each text and also after translating all five texts. All interviews are also recorded. All the recordings are later on transcribed. The data for this research are the Think-Aloud Protocols (TAPs), the result of
the interviews and the students’ Indonesian translations. Both the students’ utterances in the TAPs (their verbalizations) and their interviews are related to the stages to comprehension, transfer, and restructuring. If students do not know the
meaning of an English word, this difficulty is considered as a difficulty in the comprehension stage. If students do not know how to say it in Indonesian, this difficulty is considered as a difficulty in the transfer stage. If students are thinking about how they can say it in another way in Indonesian, this difficulty is considered as a difficulty in the restructuring stage.
The difficulties in translating the text that the students do not have familiar background knowledge, which is considered the most difficult text to handle, are the technical terms; these difficulties occur in the comprehension stage. The difficulties
occurring in the comprehension stage influence the way they handle difficulties, for example ignoring the difficult unit, adopting the source text (ST), translating at random, or translating word for word from back to front, if the unit is longer than a word—this also happens in translating another text that needs technical background knowledge. When the cognitive activities are seen, much time is spent for
comprehending the terms by consulting the dictionaries and for looking for the Indonesian terms in the transfer stage; not so much time in the production stage. The students were overwhelmed by the microcontext and they neglected the readers. The difficulties in translating texts that they have familiar background knowledge, on the other hand, become a challenge for them to produce a comprehensive translation for the audience by paying attention to both micro and macrocontext. Some difficulties occur in understanding units, such as idioms, phrasal verbs, and general vocabulary in the comprehension stage, but more difficulties occur in the transfer stage in looking for the Indonesian units. Students also spend more time in the production stage compared to when they translate the text which they do not have familiar background knowledge. Besides the cognitive activity of
transfer, this research finds another cognitive activity of picturing the concrete objects. Picturing occurs during the process of transfer when the students deal with
the difficulties. The data of picturing comes up in the retrospective interviews. However, the students’ verbalization in TAP is an important start to detect that there
is something happening in the students’ minds; what happens then is identified as picturing in the retrospective interviews. Picturing does not replace the transfer of meaning, but it is an additional cognitive activity to enhance the transfer of meaning
and the production of meaning in the target text (TT). In this study the students still have language difficulties, but it does not mean that they do not have any competence at all in translation. It is the familiarity with the background of the texts that influence their translation products. Even professionals’ translation products are influenced by the background knowledge that they have.
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