Translating literary work is not an easy job since there are not always any equivalent meanings in the source language that can be found in the target language. What the translators have to do is to find the closest natural equivalent words of the source language in the target language. This study focuses on how the translator copes with the problems of cultural words in translating Saman from Indonesia into English. The main objective of the study is to investigate the problems encountered by the translator in translating the cultural words and how these problems are overcome. The other objectives are to find out the strategies, the methods, the techniques used, and the ideologies applied in translating the cultural words. The last objective is to find out whether the translation of cultural words is accurate or inaccurate. The strategies that the translator used are first, the ideology that the translator mostly applied is domestication. It means that the translation focuses on TL. Then, there are nine methods and eleven techniques used in translating the cultural words. The translator mostly used literal translation method and recognised translation technique in translating the cultural words. In term of accuracy, there are accurate translations and inaccurate translations. The translator translates 878 cultural worlds or 90 % are mostly accurate and there are 83 of the translation of the cultural words or only 10% are inaccurate. The accurate translations are divided into: 1) Accurate translation, i.e. puskesmas – local clinic, bangsal makan-mess, jelaigrains, tengkulak-broker, tukang paes-make-up person. xi 2) Adding the words, i.e. PIR-People Nucleus Plantation, Pancasila-state ideology Pancasila, bahasa Komering-Komering, the local language, Ronggeng Gandrung ronggreng dance on demand, tayub-tayub dance. Inaccurate translation is divided into: 1) wrong translations, i.e. mantri kesehatan-medical aide, sinom-pattern, balai-house, rumah kayu-spacious wood frame house, pawon-pavilion. 2) untranslated translations is divided into : (1) Omitting translation, i.e. Jagoan, bilik, bangsal, bungker pabrik), jintan hitam and jintan putih . (2) Keeping SL words without any explanation, i.e. warung, arjuna, wayang orang, roceh, and rebab. 3) Inconsistency translations, i.e. intel-agent provocateur and intel, Lik Dirah-Aunt Dirah and Lik Dirah, buruh-laborer, Marsinah, workers, wirok-vermin and street urchin, dalang-prime mover and ringleader. Finally, among the wrong translations, the translator mostly the translator does linguistic mistakes based on Newmark framework in assessing the translation. In means, that she has mistake in choosing the right word when she translates the cultural words. She makes only three referential mistakes. In other words, she has mistakes in interpreting the idioms, such as: sundal-whore, gadis-gadis ranum- the lusty girls, dalang-prime mover. |