Anda belum login :: 24 Nov 2024 01:13 WIB
BukuPerbaikan Proses Pendaftaran Mata Kuliah Program Sarjana S1 Fakultas Teknik Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya
Author: MARYANA ; Wahyu, Marsellinus Bachtiar (Advisor)
Topik: Perbaikan Proses Bisnis; IDEFO; Value Added Activity
Bahasa: (ID )    
Penerbit: FT Industri Unika Atma Jaya, Jakarta     Tempat Terbit: Jakarta    Tahun Terbit: 2012    
Jenis: Theses - Undergraduate Thesis
In the effort to maintain the existence and growth of the optimal direction, a company or organization must have a certain efforts to achieve its objectives. The effort is called the processes of business. Along with the development of technology and information, companies can not maintain the old business processes. Required the existence of a so-called business process improvement or improvement.Hal this is also happening at Atma Jaya Catholic University College of Engineering. At Atma Jaya Catholic University Faculty of Engineering, a process that occurs is a course registration process, the Job Training (KP), the seminar and the final, and the graduation process. Researchers focused on the class registration process for finding dissatisfaction in students. Therefore, the results of this study is to provide improvements to the course registration process. The data obtained are researcher observations and interviews. Researchers to map the current conditions. Mapping is done using IDEF0 assistance. Then, the researchers analyzed existing processes based on value added activity. Finally, the researchers made the proposed revisions to the course registration process.
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