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ArtikelArgument structure distribution of predicates in Korean agrammatic speech  
Oleh: Kim, Hyanghee ; Song, Hong-ki
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Applied Psycholinguistics vol. 24 no. 3 (Sep. 2003), page 343-367.
Fulltext: 24;343-367.pdf (231.44KB)
Isi artikelThe present study focuses on the production of predicates by Korean agrammatic aphasic patients with respect to the argument structure distribution of the predicates. We analyzed narrative production data and picture/scene description data elicited from three Broca’s aphasic patients in comparison with matched controls. In particular, we examined whether our subjects have the same kind of difficulties that Kegl’s English agrammatic patient exhibited in the production of noncopular unaccusative constructions. The results show that our Korean aphasics do not exhibit any dramatic discrepancy from the control group in the pattern of argument structure distribution of the predicates produced. Regarding methodology, our studies reveal that the picture/scene description measures the subjects’ competence more effectively than the narrative production task. We propose that the difference found between our agrammatic patients and Kegl’s agrammatic subject may be due to the differences in the syntactic processes for deriving unaccusative constructions in the two languages.
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