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ArtikelA Comparison Of Traditional And Web-Based Tutorials In Marketing Education: An Exploratory Study  
Oleh: Sweeney, Jillian C. ; Ingram, Deborah
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Marketing Education vol. 23 no. 1 (Apr. 2001), page 55-62.
Fulltext: 55.pdf (87.84KB)
Isi artikelCru cial to achiev ing edu ca tional effec tive ness and aca demic credibility is the sys tematic eval uation of inno vative prac - tices. Despite the rapid advance of cut ting-edge tech nologies such as the Internet and the World Wide Web into higher edu - cation, this imper ative still remains. The pres ent study inves - tigates mar keting stu dents’ perceptions of dif ferent modes of tuto rial that sup plements rather than replaces tra ditional faceto- face lec tures. The three alter native modes inves ti gated were a face-to-face approach and two Web-based approaches— one asynchronous (bul letin boards) and one syn chronous (chat rooms). Find ings indi cate that face-to-face tuto ri als are most highly rated in terms of the effec tive ness of the learn ing envi - ronment and sev eral other cri teria. While gen der and Internet experience did not affect per ceptions of dif ferent tuto rial types, eth nic ity did. Findings and impli cations are dis cussed.
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