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ArtikelPerfectionism and the Five-Factor Model of Personality  
Oleh: Rice, Kenneth G. ; Ashby, Jeffrey S. ; Slaney, Robert B.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Assessment vol. 14 no. 4 (Dec. 2007), page 385-398.
Topik: perfectionism; personality; assessment; neuroticism; conscientiousness
Fulltext: 385.pdf (168.54KB)
Isi artikelIn this study of the discriminant, convergent, and incremental validity of the Almost Perfect Scale–Revised (APS-R), university students completed the APS-R, additional measures of perfectionism, the NEO Five-Factor Inventory–Form S, and measures of self-esteem and depression. The results revealed expected significant, but not completely overlapping, associations between the APS-R Discrepancy subscale scores and the Five-Factor Model of Personality (FFM) dimension of Neuroticism, and between the APS-R High Standards and Order subscales and the FFM dimension of Conscientiousness. The incremental validity of APS-R scores over FFM dimensions was supported in analyses of self-esteem but not depression. The implications of these findings for further psychometric and clinical studies of perfectionism and facets of FFM dimensions are discussed.
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