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ArtikelIs the Above-Average Effect Measurable at All? The Validity of the Self-Reported Happiness Minus Others' Perceived Happiness Construct  
Oleh: Vautier, Stéphane ; Bonnefon, Jean-François
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Applied Psychological Measurement vol. 32 no. 7 (Oct. 2008), page 575-584.
Topik: above-average effect; latent change; true-score difference; measurement invariance; happiness; Satisfaction With Life Scale
Fulltext: 575.pdf (158.84KB)
Isi artikelIndividuals routinely rate themselves higher than their peers on a number of attributes and capabilities, including their satisfaction with life. However, the construct validity of this above-average effect requires specific psychometric properties of ratings of one’s contentment and ratings of others’ perceived contentment. This article tests these propertieswith respect to the popular SatisfactionWith Life Scale through a multivariate measurement model with latent change andmethod effects. Themodel is fitted to two independent data sets (N =597 and N =964), and it is found twice that four items are suitable to compute ameaningful composite difference score. It is concluded that the above-average effect is a systematicmultivariate phenomenon that can be assessed by the difference of twomanifest, absolute evaluation scores.
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