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JurnalJournal of Marriage and the Family vol. 30 no. 04 (Nov. 1968)
Topik: J43; Remaja; Perkawinan; Keluarga; Perawatan Anak; Perilaku Seksual
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0022-2445    Year:: 1968    Bulan: 11    Edisi: Nov 1968    
Penerbit: The National Council on Family Relations
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Journal of Marriage and the Family]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Society as a Variable in Comparative Study of the Family by Replication and Secondary Analysis, halaman 565
  2. Social Role Theory, the Marital Relationship, and Use of Ovulation Suppressors, halaman 584
  3. Three Dimensions of Parental Kinship Terminology: Situation, Subgroup Identity, and Sentiment, halaman 592
  4. Black Muslim and Negro Christian Family Relationships, halaman 604
  5. Determinants of Negro Family Decisions in Management of Retardation, halaman 612
  6. The Perceptual Context of Boy-Girl Communication, halaman 618
  7. Early Dating and Early Marriage, halaman 628
  8. Adolescents' Views of Maternal Employment as a Threat to the Marital Relationship, halaman 633
  9. Attitudes of College Students Toward Love, halaman 638
  10. Conceptual Complexity and Marital Happiness, halaman 643
  11. Associations Between Companionship, Hostility, and Marital Satisfaction, halaman 647
  12. The Use of the MMPI in the Determination of Marital Maladjustment, halaman 651
  13. Socioeconomic Differences in Stated Maternal Child-Rearing Practices and in Observed Maternal Behavior, halaman 656
  14. The Married Professional Social Worker, halaman 661
  15. Family Relations of the Elderly, halaman 672
  16. Mexican Family Roles, halaman 680
  17. Role of the Extended Family in Migration and Adaptation in Brazil, halaman 689
  18. The Roles of Dower and Dowry as Indicators of Social Change in Pakistan, halaman 696
  19. Mate Selection, Age at Marriage, and Propinquity Among the Lingayats of India, halaman 707

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