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JurnalJournal of Marriage and the Family vol. 29 no. 04 (Nov. 1967)
Topik: J43; Remaja; Perkawinan; Keluarga; Perawatan Anak; Perilaku Seksual
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0022-2445    Year:: 1967    Bulan: 11    Edisi: Nov 1967    
Penerbit: The National Council on Family Relations
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Journal of Marriage and the Family]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. A Family over Three Generations: The Transmission of Interacting and Relating Patterns, halaman 638
  2. Birth-Order Effects in Marriage and Parenthood: Affiliation and Socialization, halaman 656
  3. Kinship Involvement: A Factor in the Adjustment of Rural Migrants, halaman 662
  4. The Relationship Between Age at First Marriage, School Dropout, and Marital Instability: An Analysis of the Glick Effect, halaman 672
  5. Marital Conventionalization: Definition and Measurement, halaman 681
  6. Marital Interaction and Marital Stability: A Point of View and a Descriptive Comparison of Stable and Unstable Marriages, halaman 697
  7. Dimensions of Aspirations, Work Roles, and Decision-Making of Farm Husbands and Wives in Wisconsin, halaman 703
  8. Marital Problems, Help-Seeking, and Emotional Orientation as Revealed in Help-Request Letters, halaman 712
  9. Personality Match and Interpersonal Perception as Predictors of Marriage, halaman 722
  10. Responses of Family Life Professionals and Students to Family Success Indices-A Comparative Study, halaman 726
  11. Individual Achievement and Family Ties: Some International Comparisons, halaman 763
  12. Family Structure and Modernization, halaman 771
  13. Normative Family Orientations of Chinese College Students in Hong Kong, halaman 773
  14. Isolation of the Nuclear Family and Kinship Organization in Japan: A Hypothetical Approach to the Relationships Between the Family and Society, halaman 783

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