Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 09:26 WIB
ArtikelIntroducing The Latent Congruence Model For Improving The Assessment Of Similarity, Agreement, And Fit In Organizational Research  
Oleh: Cheung, Gordon W.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Organizational Research Methods vol. 12 no. 1 (Jan. 2009), page 6-33.
Topik: latent congruence model; analyzing congruence data; analyzing similarity and fit data; structural equation modeling
Fulltext: 6.pdf (316.9KB)
Isi artikelA structural equation modeling–based latent congruence model (LCM) is developed for studying congruence in organizational research. Numerical examples are used to demonstrate that the LCM offers many advantages over the current approaches (difference scores, profile similarity indices, and polynomial regression) to studying congruence. The LCM can (a) control for measurement errors by specifying the congruence of latent variables, (b) examine measurement equivalence across the component measures, (c) examine the antecedents and consequences of both the mean (absolute level) and difference (congruence) of two component measures simultaneously, (d) study both congruence and components by decomposing the congruence measures into component measures, and (e) examine complex congruence models that include multiple congruence measures as antecedents and/or consequences.
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