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BukuComparing Statistical Software Packages: The Case of the Logrank Test in StatXact (in The American Statistician, Vol. 57, No. 3)
Author: Callaert, Herman
Topik: Exact Statistical Methods; Exponential Scores Test; Nonparametric Test; Savage Test
Bahasa: (EN )    Edisi: Agust 2003    
Penerbit: American Statistical Association     Tahun Terbit: 2003    
Jenis: Books - E-Book
Fulltext: Herman Callaert.pdf (606.2KB; 1 download)
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This article can be read as a companion to an earlier article by R. A. Oster in which StatXact, LogXact, and Stata were ex-amined. In most cases, comparing software packages on their
main features, such as accuracy, user friendliness, and adequate documentation, is sufficient for giving the reader interesting and useful information. In some instances, however, one has to take a different perspective for discovering the mechanism behind discrepancies. An excellent software package, using accurate computations and ample documentation, may nevertheless not do what its menu implies. The case of the logrank test in StatX- act is a good example, illustrating the need to always check procedures and formulas against labels and names.
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