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ArtikelPredictor of neonatal morbidity in preterm severe preeclampsia at high risk center.  
Oleh: Gahrani ; Declarador, Christine
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - tidak terakreditasi DIKTI - atma jaya
Dalam koleksi: Majalah Kedokteran Damianus vol. 08 no. 03 (Sep. 2009), page 125-130.
Topik: Severe Preeclampsia; Intrauterine Growth Retardation; High Risk center
Fulltext: D01 v8 n3 p125 kelik2023.pdf (406.41KB)
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Isi artikelBackground: Severe preeclampsia increase the risk for severe perinatal outcomes and severe neonatal morbidity mostly by its effect on reducing birth weight. There is no single screening test that is considered reliable and cost-effective for predicting preeclampsia. Objective: To determine factors of perinatal risk such as low birth weight, APGAR score less than 7 at 5 minutes, small for gestational age, abnormal result of Doppler study of umbilical artery, IUGR assessed by fetal biometry, manner of deliveries, and fetal acidemia (pH of umbilical cord artery less than 7) in preterm severe preeclampsia women on 28 - 34 weeks of gestation for predicting neonatal morbidity. Method: Restrospective case control study of all neonatal morbidity in preterm severe preeclampia women at high risk center on 28-34 weeks of gestation. The data analyses using multivariate logistic regression to predicting independent variables which associated with the neonatal morbidity. Result: The total delivery from severe preeclampsia women was 79 deliveries. The multivariate logistic regression of predictor the neonatal morbidity showed the small for gestational age of OR 0.321 (95%CI 0.10 - 0.632) respectively, abnormal Doppler study of OR 0.071 (95%CI 0.020 - 1.563), IUGR of OR 0.17 (95%CI 0.0499 - 1.033), Apgar score less than 7 at 5 minutes of OR 0.091 (95%CI 0.043 - 1.126), very low birth weight of OR 0.105 (95% CI 0.095 - 1.335), pH of umbilical artery less than 7 of OR 0.79 (95% CI 0.31 - 1.58), and manner delivery by Cesarean of OR 0.39 (95% CI 0.22 - 1.028). The early neonatal death was detected of 23.6% and 76.4% baby can improved from the condition and sent home. Conclusions: The small for gestational age increase of neonatal morbidity and restriction growth would have been profound because the placenta insufficiency in severe preeclampsia.
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